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Opening Day of the General Conference, June 2024

Dear Sisters and Associates,

Our second General Conference of 2024 is off to a good start.

After welcoming each other with an activity of relaxation and visitation with the new members of the General Conference, we took time to pray in the oratory with Marguerite under the theme “Walking together.”

In this place where the Heart of Marguerite Bourgeoys rests, I was moved by the acknowledgement, in the 4 languages of the Congregation, of the territory where our Mother House is located. Here is the declaration:

The Mother House of the Congregation of Notre Dame is located on the traditional and unceded territory of the Kanien’kehá:ka, (Ka na ka ha ga), Mohawk, at a place called Tiohtià:ke (Jo Jo ke) which we now call Montréal.  Montréal is historically known as a gathering place for many First Nations.

Today these lands are home to a diverse population of First Peoples and other peoples.  We acknowledge and accept that the history of the First Peoples predates the arrival of the first Europeans.

Our acknowledgement stands as a promise to continue the ongoing work of recognition and reconciliation between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples.

And then in our prayer, inspired by Indigenous wisdom, there was a recurring phrase, like a mantra: When we walk together in a good way. I felt as though it was Marguerite Bourgeoys herself who spoke to us at the start of this meeting of sharing, reflection, and discernment for the life of the Congregation, for the life of the World.

I wish to thank you for being with us and praying for us throughout this meeting.