To Be a Sister
Steps to enter the Congregation To be a sister in the Congrégation de Notre-Dame is to respond to the call of God in our lives through the charism and spirituality passed on by our foundress, Marguerite Bourgeoys, wherever we take on the part of the mission that is entrusted to us.

Period of questioning, introspection and discovery that includes meetings with sisters and taking part in a few activities with them.

At this stage, the term “candidate” is used. During this period, the aspiring sister becomes more involved in getting to know the sisters better. She shares in their daily lives by participating in community life, prayer life and the mission. She continues her personal journey at the same time.

The candidate is now a novice and introduces herself as a sister. She deepens her encounter with God. Things are taking shape. She undertakes a formation to prepare for community and missionary life, according to the spirituality of the Congregation.

Temporary vows
The novice may then ask to be admitted to the Congregation. If she receives a positive response, she pronounces the temporary vows of poverty, chastity and obedience, for one year or for three years, renewable annually. She continues her formation and is accompanied by a sister during this period.

Perpetual vows
After having acquired sufficient experience of the mission within the Congregation and having lived discernment with the community and the sister who accompanies her, the professed sister can request admission to perpetual profession. By pronouncing these vows, she will become a full-fledged member of the Congregation.
Commitment through vows
When she pronounces the vows of poverty, chastity and obedience, the sister commits herself to following Christ in practice of these vows.
Through the vow of poverty, she chooses to live by sharing and commits to a life of interdependence, limitation of possessions and restraint in the use of material goods. The sharing of goods makes it possible to carry out the mission.
Through the vow of chastity, she freely commits herself to live in consecrated celibacy. She confirms her love for God, for others and for herself.
Through the vow of obedience, she commits herself, in a spirit of faith, to listening and prayer, to discern the will of God through personal and community means
Since religious obedience encompasses the whole lives of the sisters, it also calls, on a personal level, to reflect on how they live the essential aspects of their religious life and, on a community level, to renew their ways of living it in accordance with the charism of the Congregation and its Constitutions and Rules.
My Vocation Story
« We are ordinary people doing extraordinary work. »
Maria Vazquez
Sister Nancy Downing, CND