January Visitations!
Sydney Visit
On January 28, 2025, Sydney CND Associates lived “visitation” with their CND Sisters in Sydney, NS. This was a mutually joyous occasion for Associates Dianne, Theresa Ann, and Patrick as they were greeted by CND residents.
Dianne MacAskill, Associate Coordinator
Birthday Celebration at Our Lady of Peace Community in Montreal
Sister Dorothy Maher celebrated joyfully her 95th Birthday with her local community and friends.
Rizzo, Coordinator
A Visit with Sister Élise Corriveau
We haven’t had much snow in Toronto this winter. However, the day I visited Élise the white flakes were falling. As Élise participates in the activities at the residence, I wasn’t surprised to see her with the other residents making a snow person. All visitors will now see Élise’s work of art hanging on her door.
Thanks, Élise, for sharing your talents.
Joan Lewis, CND