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Celebrating the Paris Agreement’s 5th anniversary

CLIMATE CHANGE – Taking a Stand

We are members of the Congrégation de Notre-Dame de Montréal, a congregation of over 900 women religious committed to education and present on four continents. Approximately the same number of associates also share our mission. Our presence in certain more vulnerable regions of the world, namely Africa and Central America, make us acutely aware of current global risks. The plight of women is one of our biggest concerns.

 We have heard the warning call of trustworthy global voices. For instance:

The World Health Organization states that climate change is expected to cause approximately 250,000 additional deaths per year from malnutrition and endemic diseases;

The World Bank acknowledges that, for millions of people, food security is compromised because more frequent and longer heat waves, droughts, etc. cause crops to dry out;

The World Energy Agency stresses that 2/3 of all fossil fuel reserves must remain underground;

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change claims that, in order for the earth to maintain bearable global temperatures, green house gases must be completely eliminated by the end this century.

 Consequently, the following issues are of great concern to us:

Food security for populations world-wide;

Universal access to safe drinking water;

− Human health;

− The integrity of inhabited territories;

The survival of populations;

The fate of women, largely responsible for agriculture, food, health and the development of their societies.

We believe that a change is possible. Just as human action is responsible for the current crisis, so too concerted political will, civic engagement, which is part of our awareness raising process, and our concrete actions promoting transformation can save our planet and its plant, animal and human life.

Our Demand

Faced with the extreme urgency of the situation, we strongly call upon you, the Heads of State, to make a firm, concerted and binding commitment against the threat of global warming and to counteract the catastrophic consequences. For our part, we commit to support the positive decisions you will make on this matter.