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CND Associate Relationship Newsletter Visitation East December 2020

St Theresa’s/Holy Angels Sydney Associate Group Meeting

Saint Theresa’s and Holy Angels Associates met at Dianne’s home on Nov. 22. Together we read the opening prayer Internationality-Interculturality followed by the 400 Anniversary song “Let us Hurry on the Way”. The agenda discussed the responses for the General and Provincial Chapter which are to be completed in December 2020. Sister Theresa Sampson, Patrick and Laurett closed the meeting with the novena to Saint Marguerite Bourgeoys. Covid regulations were followed.

Single Use Plastics, Let’s Go Further

Last month the federal government introduced the long-awaited legislation regarding a promised ban on single use plastics. The ban includes check-out bags, straws, stir sticks, six-pack rings, cutlery and food ware items. Noticeably absent from the list are plastic bottles designed for bottled water. That is a serious concern. Plastic water bottles are made from fossil fuels and pollute at every stage of their lifecycle. They represent a danger to the health of wildlife, ecosystems, the climate and ourselves. Two actions are proposed one is to sign a petition at Save our Water or write directly to your Member of Parliament.

Crises In Central America

Sister Agnes Campbell, Congregational Leader writes: Central America has experienced the wrath of Hurricane Eta. The storm has left thousands and thousands of victims in its wake; people have lost their lives; structures have been destroyed and electricity, the internet, telephone communications have been interrupted. There is no water, no food, crops have been lost, and thousands of people are still on the roofs of their houses waiting to be rescued. The countries where our sisters and associates live, Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador, have been strongly affected. In particular, Honduras is completely flooded and destroyed. Thank God our sisters are alive and well, so we thank God for this gift. Our solidarity in prayer and support can take many forms; let your creative hearts reach out to be one with our sisters and brothers in Central America. At this time associates who wish, may choose a reputable charity like the Red Cross or others.