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COVID-19 outbreak at Résidence Bon-Secours


COVID-19 outbreak at Résidence Bon-Secours

The Sisters of the Congrégation de Notre-Dame confirm that 64 sisters and 28 employees at Résidence Bon-Secours have tested positive for COVID-19. Located in Montreal, Résidence Bon-Secours is an infirmary for older sisters or those with a more fragile health. All necessary health protocols were implemented to treat the sick and best protect the residents and staff members.

We are fully confident in the ability of the CIUSSS du Centre-Ouest-de-l’Île-de-Montréal, members of the Résidence Bon-Secours crisis centre, regular staff working overtime and members of the Red Cross. May all these individuals be kindly thanked for their dedication. Our prayers are with them.

Our prayers are also with the family members of the sisters and employees affected by the virus.

The Résidence Bon-Secours management is working with health authorities and the sisters are kept informed of the latest developments.


Les Sœurs de la Congrégation de Notre-Dame

2330, Sherbrooke Ouest

Montréal, QC H3H 1G8


Stéphanie Manseau

Director, Communication Services

Congrégation de Notre-Dame


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