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CRC-JPIC Atlantic October 13-14 Online Meeting.

Stronger Together! Shaping the Future of JPIC Atlantic

Members of religious communities in Atlantic Canada met with Sabrina di Mateo, CRC Executive Assistant – Mission. Sabrina in her position seeks to assist us in incorporating elements of ongoing formation and social justice – Justice Peace and Integrity of Creation – JPIC.

Following a viewing of the video Laudato Sí +5, we reviewed the 7 Goals of Laudato Sí and shared information on education and projects where we live and work. We learned more about Integral Ecology; it comes from awareness that everything is connected and is inclusive of Environment, Economic and Social awareness. Collaboration was an important point of discussion. The abundance of resources can be difficult at times to sort through, but many good things are happening! From Congregation de Notre-Dame, Sister Anne T. Gillis and I were joined by Sister Maureen Baldwin and Sister Karen Kelly from our Province Leadership Team.