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Farewell to Madelyn

Having returned to Canada after spending 62 years in Japan, Sister Madelyn Brennan quietly joined Notre Dame Community at Providence Motherhouse, Kingston. There she adapted to her new environment as she quickly found a place in the hearts of sisters and staff. In due time, Madelyn suffered a stroke, which took her to Kingston General Hospital where she gently breathed her last while Sister Pat Arsenault kept vigil with her. Covid restrictions continued to make itself known as arrangements were made for Madelyn’s wake and funeral. Monsignor Joseph Lynch, pastor of St. Joseph’s parish supported the idea of having a short wake in St. Joseph’s church followed by a funeral Mass. Sisters of Providence and Hotel Dieu attended as well as family members, associates and infirmary personnel and of course many CND Sisters living at Providence or elsewhere in the city. Before Mass, Sister Marijke Gerretsen, gave a thumbnail sketch of Madelyn’s life in Japan. During the liturgy family members and sisters ministered appropriately. Sister Madelyn’s cousin, Father Robert Brennan gave the homily. Monsignor Joseph Lynch presided at the Eucharist assisted by Deacon Robert Wojcik. Even this fine celebration had an air of quiet about it. Surely Madelyn was present in spirit and pleased by her last farewell.