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From the Formation Corner

Last Fall we engaged in a book club conversation on Maria Cimperman’s book, “Religious Life for our World: Creating Communities of Hope.” The idea to have these conversations got started from our Provincial Chapter last June. One of the desires of the delegates was to engage more intentionally in conversations of the heart. At that point, I thought it would be a great idea to have a conversation around religious life and this book came to mind. A total of 24 sisters signed up to participate. What a great experience it was to share with one another on the book. It is my hope to offer another opportunity for conversation around religious life and our future. We are definitely at a crossroad and this moment in religious life has generated a lot of interest and energy around how congregations can adapt to what is been asked of us today as we respond to the cries of the world and cries of the earth.

While we are still in pandemic mode in the novitiate, novice Christa has had to adapt to this reality! It has not been easy since most of her formation has been during COVID. However, on the bright side, she has been able to participate in a variety of programs and courses that she otherwise may not have been able to participate in if it wasn’t for Zoom.

Christa’s main focus of her second novitiate year has been about integration and a deepening of her sense of belonging to the Congregation de Notre-Dame. She had her first successful apostolic experience in Norwalk, CT. She lived with Our Lady of Hope Community and ministered at Caroline House. I do wish to take this opportunity to thank the sisters who welcomed Christa with open arms. Her experience with the local community was positive and wonderful. I am grateful to each of the sisters who engaged openly to walk with Christa on this journey.

Christa will be heading to Montreal for the months of February through to the end of April. She will be forming community with Sister Violaine and will be ministering at Resilience Montreal, a shelter that offers programs to the homeless. During her time in Montreal, she will also learn French and connect with Congregation de Notre-Dame sisters and associates.