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Beginning a General Conference on January 12 is quite special for CNDs; it does not happen very often. And yet, this year, it has enabled us to experience a moment of mutual welcome and prayer together as sisters and associates around Marguerite Bourgeoys, our beloved Saint Marguerite Bourgeoys, foundress of the Sisters of the Congregation of Notre-Dame at the end of the 17thcentury. I am very moved, and I would like to let two of our youngest members share something about this moment.

Sophie Mbougoum, CND, Congregation Secretary

On this day when the entire Congregation is gathered to pray, I live this moment in thanksgiving for the special gift of Saint Marguerite Bourgeoys. I am amazed by the ability to be together in this way, praying for ourselves, CND sisters and associates, and for the life of the world. It reminds me of Mary’s presence and prayer among the apostles, from which the spirituality of our Congregation stems: the Visitation and Pentecost. And what Mother Bourgeoys is asking me to do today is to pray for my sisters and associates, for the members of the General Conference as they begin their meeting, for our world, and for the whole Church in this jubilee year. I give thanks for the initiative taken by the members of the Congregation to include us in this event.

Marie Wadawa, CND young professed sister, Yaoundé, Cameroon

The Visitation means going beyond, bringing and receiving. Today, the sisters, the women in formation, and the associates of the CND had a visitation experience. We have crossed continents, cultures and languages, and celebrated the feast of Marguerite Bourgeoys, our feast day, in a virtual and spiritual way.

As a woman in formation, it was a gift to be part of this experience, where I was able to hear testimonies of what Marguerite has meant and represented in the lives of many sisters and associates.

It was so gratifying for me to see the faces of happy women who recognize, on the screen, sisters and associates they haven’t seen in years, and whom they are meeting again today, greeting them with a smile and a heartfelt hug. This experience nourishes my vocation and drives my desire to be a CND, my desire to become a woman on the move, a woman willing to listen, to welcome, a woman ready to work for the good of others.

Today, on the day of the Lord’s baptism, I feel invited to review my baptismal commitment. This experience of celebration invites me to trust, as Marguerite did; it invites me to stand tall, to be attentive and not to weaken.

May the Ruah of the Spirit and love for our saint foundress continue to encourage us to be attentive and make our baptismal commitment a commitment of visitation, bearing love, joy and hope. May we also have open arms, minds and hearts to receive these gifts.

Happy Feast Day to the whole CND family.

Nancy Carolina Argueta Escoto, CND candidate, Guatemala