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General Conference Friday, June 21, 2024

Blessed Sacrament Province led us in a beautiful prayer this morning that invited us to pray for an openness to the grace of transformation.


We are hoping, we are praying for the grace of transformation.

O sacred One, O gracious One, may our hearts embrace it now.


We are longing, we are yearning for the grace of transformation.

O sacred One, O gracious One, may our hearts embrace it now.


We are open, we are ready for the grace of transformation.

O sacred One, O gracious One, may our hearts embrace it now.

(Chant by Monica Brown)

This prayer was a perfect prelude for the work of this day, which focused on the process of transformation that the Congregation had embraced at the General Chapter of 2021. Sister Teresa Maya, CCVI, the facilitator for this process, was warmly welcomed into our meeting. After giving us a quick update on the progress to date, she invited us to consider the next best steps in the process that we have begun. In particular, she encouraged us to imagine the transformational potential of the upcoming Chapter of 2026. As we met in small groups and in plenary and spoke of our hopes and desires for this chapter, a sense of excitement and expectation grew within us.