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La Petite Maison des Enfants Soleil

La Petite Maison des Enfants Soleil is a community educational centre in Montréal’s Centre-Sud district, created by the CND in 1991.

Early in the morning and late in the evening, we walked around this neighborhood with a profound concern for the women and children in difficulty and a deep desire to help. We wanted to offer the children a place where they could develop a sense of attachment and belonging, in a spirit of trust.

Today, we welcome 40 children every year, aged 6-14, in small but steady groups every day, and meet with the parent on a regular basis. La Petite Maison quickly networked with school principals, teachers, specialists, police, youth protection officers and social workers. This is the cornerstone of our educational work.

We pick up the children from school, help them with their homework, and develop workshops that match their interests; the children receive a full supper every evening.

A place and a journey of liberating education!