News from Blessed Sacrament Province
Associate News
It was my honor to spend time with Sr. Nancy Roach, CND. For those of you who don’t know Sr. Nancy, she was the one responsible for introducing to the General Council the idea of the Congregation of Notre Dame having an Associate Relationship program. This was in 1979. The Council took the idea under consideration and at the next General Council meeting they agreed to initiate the program. The first associate made First Commitment in December 1981; she was from French Canada.
After listening to Sr. Nancy tell the history of the Associate Relationship beginnings, I spoke with Anna Rowley, Coordinator, Central Office of Associate Relationship, and we decided to make a video of Sr. Nancy telling the history. The video will be used as part of the Guide for Initial Formation for Associate Candidates. The video is being translated into French, Spanish and Japanese and will be sent to the coordinators when completed. The video has been received at the Central Office and they have sent it to Communication for editing. One more step closer to a final product.
I have been an Associate for almost 40 years. I have had many varied and wonderful experiences during those years. I learned a lot more listening to Sr. Nancy. I hope all Associates as well as Candidates current and future have the opportunity to watch the video.
Thank you, Sr. Nancy.
Associate Ellen Lynch
Some highlights from the Villa Maria Legacy Gala at which Sr. Teresa Barton and long-time athletic coach Mike Bernard were honored at their retirement.
Below, images from the recent Sip ’n Paint Party at the Villa Convent.
From The Formation Corner: The Upper Room Of The Novitiate
An integration program is being planned for Christa as she engages her last couple of months of initial formation. This will happen from June 5th (Pentecost Sunday) to 18th in White Plains, NY. Two people will join us to make up the core team: Sisters Josephine Badali and Mary Anne Powers. The spirit of the integration program, meant to happen before vows, will be within the backdrop and context of the “Upper Room” experience and the “Walk to Emmaus”.
As a core team of sisters along with the members of the novitiate community, we will hold this sacred “Upper Room” space and engage in a conversation with sisters and associates who will share their insight and experience on a particular topic of interest. These topics include: Our role in the church, the mysticism of Marguerite Bourgeoys, living out the dream of Marguerite Bourgeoys, spirituality and charism of Marguerite Bourgeoys, and living out our directional statement including an in-depth conversation on interculturality. We will also have an opportunity to gather on zoom with 9 newer members in five different time zones (Honduras, Montreal/New York, Belgium, Cameroon, and Japan) on June 11th, 2022, to share thoughts on community building while considering our local and global reality. We will also take the opportunity to do some volunteer work together at a local Food Bank and engage in theological reflection and prayer on the experience.
Together, those gathered in the upper room will have an opportunity to share how they have joined in the mission of Jesus as members of the Congregation. Together they will celebrate the ways the Holy Spirit has guided them to integrate the life and live out the mission. We ask that. you keep all of us in your prayers in the Upper Room of the novitiate. Like Mary with the First Disciples, may we recognize the work of the Holy Spirit in and through the lives of all Sisters of the Congregation de Notre-Dame who are on mission while the journey continues. Come, Holy Spirit, Come! Alleluia!
Maco Cassetta, CND
Before the St. Jean’s Scholarship Gala on May 2nd, the students presented us with this card, illustrated by senior Kayla Mora and signed by all the students in the school. The card reads,
Your presence, in the spirit of Visitation, has called generations of young women forth and enabled us to be more than we imagined possible.
Thank you from the students of St. Jean Baptiste High School.
In that same spirit we wish all a blessed feast of the Visitation!