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News from Province Marguerite-Bourgeoys

Ministries of Sister Lise Bouchard


I am delighted to send you my greetings via this edition of the newsletter! I have been living in Quebec City for several years now, and I am involved in a number of community organizations here. I have to say that I find joy and happiness in working with people whose lives have been adversely affected by various circumstances.

For 40 years, I was involved with Service d’entraide Basse-Ville, a well-known community organization in Quebec City’s Lower Town. I met simple, engaging people. I was in charge of the community kitchen (including Meals on Wheels), giving cooking classes, and supervising persons assigned to compensatory work by a court of law. I was very happy in this organization!

To highlight my commitment, a photograph of me talking with a person who also used to frequent the organization was enlarged and affixed to the front of the building where the organization is located.

For the past few years, I have been dividing my time between two other organizations – Maison Revivre and Centre de jour de l’Arche l’Étoile. These organizations are also located in Quebec City’s Lower Town.

Maison Revivre welcomes persons experiencing homelessness: 24 people can be accommodated at any one time.

I work at the reception desk where I help these persons make phone calls.

I am a people person and I enjoy the contact these simple people. It gives me a sense of fulfilment! I know it helps them too when I am around! They think of me as a grandmother!

The Centre de jour de l’Arche l’Étoile is a place for men and women with disabilities who are at least 18 years old. I enjoy chatting with them and being there during their activities.

I enjoy spending time with them!

Happy Birthday, Sister Madeleine Daigneault!

On September 16, Résidence Bon-Secours celebrated the 103rd birthday of Sister Madeleine Daigneault, the oldest sister in Marguerite-Bourgeoys Province! It was a beautiful day of thanksgiving.

Florilège d’hommages et de reconnaissance

(An Anthology of Tributes and Messages of Gratitude) by Sister Fernande Cantin

Florilège d’hommages et de reconnaissance is the title of the volume launched on September 26 at la salle des promotions of the Séminaire de Québec. An event that was part of the 350th anniversary of the Diocèse de Québec under the theme of the Garden… An exceptional event presided over by Cardinal Gérald-Cyprien Lacroix, which highlighted the invaluable contribution of religious communities, institutes of consecrated life, and societies of apostolic life to the vitality of the Church of the Diocèse de Québec, whose canonical erection dates back to 1674.

The idea of going to meet members of the different Congregations to collect flowers from each one’s garden germinated in the minds of the festivities organizing committee, and was generously watered by the encouragements of Mgr. Marc Pelchat. Thanks to green thumb of Ms. Ginette, animator in Pastoral Care Services, the project grew and reached maturity.

Numerous young participants in WYD in Poland were mobilized to visit the garden plots and report on their pickings, compiled by Mr. Pierre, a gardener and florist of remarkable interest and poetic penmanship. It resulted in a magnificent bouquet, a spiritual embroidery, a unique work of historical and spiritual notes and testimonies.

The evening continued with a lovely cocktail during which we expressed our wonder at this gathering filled with beauty, gentle music and meditation.

We were witnesses… (by Sisters Denise Brunelle and Céline Beaulieu)

At the generous invitation of Renée, a member of the Groupe Solidarité Justice executive committee, we agreed to take a short trip to the Magdalen Islands last August. With our companions and hostesses, Sisters Amabilis Deveau and Marguerite Bourgeois, we lived to the rhythm and sound of the waves.

The day after our arrival, on Sunday, August 12, we took part in a farewell celebration hosted by Amabilis at the Grande-Entrée Church. Bright sunlight shone through the stained-glass windows of the little church, adding to the warm atmosphere created by Amabilis. The warm voices of family members echoed and supported the emotion of the event. Amabilis was at the heart of this gathering in memory of a woman with whom she had shared local community life for almost twenty years.

The after-ceremony was followed by a gathering of friends and family at the seniors’ home. An extraordinary moment of sharing, where the creativity and generosity of the people of the Islands shone through once again.

Our companions turned this short stay into a real sisterly celebration. Our warmest thanks.

A bird of prey spotted at the Villa-Maria Domain

A turkey vulture visited the Villa-Maria Domain at the beginning of September.

This carrion bird with an impressive wingspan is accustomed to warm climates and, with global warming, is increasingly moving towards southern Canada and thus Quebec. It was observed for several minutes from the windows of the administrative center.