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News from the Border

Sr. Joan Lewis is currently in Douglas, a southern Arizona town adjacent to Agua Prieta. She sends news from the border.

Good Morning from Douglas,

Hope all is well as you begin a new week. Saturday night we had a sumptuous feast of Mexican food. Yesterday was a full day with a number of migrants being picked up and dropped off at the centre. I can't imagine the stress they experience. Some of the men arrived but not their wives. After about an hour they finally came. They don't stay long. Time to have something to eat and drink, get medical care if needed and they are on their way. There is a centre where they can stay over and have their meals. The centre hold 100 people. They stay for a couple of days and then attempt to cross again. As you see in one of the pictures a clear plastic bag with a change of clothes. is One woman had a knapsack and because it was heavy dropped it so she could run, trying to escape.  All her documents were in it.  I'm not sure I would have the courage and determination of these people. Most of them have phones, their only means of contact with their families. They take time to charge them while they are eating.

I have been reading and reflecting on LET US DREAM The path to a better world by Pope Francis. He writes "You have to go to the edge of existence if you want to seethe world as it is.  The world looks clearer from the periphery." 

An inspiration for all of us.

Union in prayer Joan Lewis, CND