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News from Visitation Province

Visitation Miramichi

The tradition of a Visitation Retreat that began in Miramichi over forty years ago continued this year with a group of Sisters and Associates gathered. We had a delightful day of sharing food and conversation, enjoying each other as we heard presentations by Trudy who has extensive experience in life coaching and lay ministry.

We were pleased to have Sister Eleanor McCloskey and Marjorie from Fredericton and Woodstock join us for the day.

The subject of retreat was Our Pilgrim Journey with Mary of the Visitation as we transform and change in the twilight time of life. Trudy based her talks on the teachings of Ilia Delio, Richard Rohr and Joan Chittister. It was most inspiring and uplifting for us. A very enjoyable and informative day was experienced by all of us.

Frances Connell – Associate, Miramichi

Visitation: the courage to live and celebrate hope!

United with all the sisters and associates around the world, our Montreal celebration of the Feast of the Visitation was definitely one of shared joy and hope. Joined by Father Paul Geraghty, we gathered at deSève residence to celebrate Eucharist, to renew our commitments, and to share a meal together. The temperature outdoors rose in harmony with the warmth in our hearts. These pictures represent a few special moments of visitation. We await eagerly our moment of visitation with the Congregation Leadership Team.

Lorraine Costello, CND for the associates and sisters of the Montreal area

Renewals and First Commitment

Sister Norma Gallant and West Kootenay Associates celebrated Visitation by participating in Sunday Mass in St. Rita’s Church in Castlegar on June 2 with annual renewals and 1st Commitment for our newest Associate, Rhonda. What joy was present, among our community and the entire parish! Father Maurice presented a most rousing liturgy and offered the warmest of welcoming to us. He quoted Marguerite Bourgeoys in his homily and commended Associates on their lived expression of the gospel. Janet, also a parishioner, introduced us to the parish with a beautiful short explanation of who we were and why we were there, speaking briefly about Marguerite Bourgeoys and the Feast of the Visitation. This parish is a true melting pot with so many nationalities offering us genuine warmth and welcoming. After Mass we continued our celebration with an amazing Parish KC Pancake Breakfast, served with so many extras it felt like a banquet – with the usual fare and including fried mushrooms, fruit compote, French toast, hashbrowns and even dessert! This monthly breakfast is so popular, the hall is packed with parishioners as well as locals who know how to get in on something special happening in their community!

Maureen Wiley, Associate