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News from Visitation Province

Ottawa Associates and Sisters Celebrate Marguerite’s Feast Day

Seven associates and two sisters gathered on Sunday afternoon, January 8th, via Zoom for a celebration of Marguerite’s Feast Day. Patricia and Kathy created a process for us to experience winter with Marguerite.

We were invited to don snowshoes and come walk in Marguerite’s footsteps through the harsh winters. We heard the furious winds swirl around us as we tried to find firewood buried beneath the snow. Our imaginary journey was guided with excerpts from Ann Deignan’s book “The Love of a Lover – The Mystical Journey of Marguerite Bourgeoys.”

We listened to “Song for a Winter’s Night” while focused on an image of “Marguerite in Winter”. This led us to a time of contemplative prayer reflecting on what we heard and saw along the way. In our sharing time together, many remembered childhood experiences of winter.

One of the quotes from Ann Deignan’s poetry summarized our afternoon together. “Not even breath

separates us / from each other. / Nothing. / Not even breath.”

We ended with a toast to Marguerite and good conversation among us. It was a fruitful day.

Jacquie and Bill Fehlner, Associates

Encircle Us


Woman ahead of your time Dreaming dreams Intuitively moving

Beyond the safe, the known, the expected Encircle us in your veiled compassion.

Stretch us to see

Beyond our own personal, perhaps even polarized experiences. As we journey, Visitation gifted,

With women and men, whose lives and stories Challenge us to respect

Pluralism, differences, both/and.

Inflame our hearts, as consumed charcoal, Enlarge our CND garden plot

To include more global “colours, saviours, frangrances.”

And, along the way,

Life us with that “crystal water Springing up from God our Source.”

by Janet Malone, CND (Deceased 2013)

The Marguerite Bourgeoys Feast Day Mass will be held on January 15 at the Notre- Dame-de-Bon-Secours Chapel. Guy Chapedelaine will celebrate a bilingual mass at 10:30 a.m. [EST]

 Info for all who can access CTV in Atlantic Canada: CTV Mass for Shut-Ins, honoring Saint Marguerite Bourgeoys, will air on Sunday, January 15, at 11:30 AST. (Mass was taped Saturday, January 7, 10:30 am at St. Marguerite Bourgeoys Church in Sydney.)

Dianne MacAskill & Donna MacIntyre, associate co-coordinators in the East

Video Recommendation

 Recent 60-minute interview with Joyce Rupp. As an older woman she reflects with depth and humour on a variety of topics from her books, ministries and lived experiences. These topics include her early experiences on  a  farm with its link to her current love of creation, her call and life as a religious, compassion, pilgrimage, Roman Catholic faith and ritual influenced now by  many  traditions, hospitality etc. You can view it at

Kathy Kelly, Associate

Webinar – Faith Perspectives on Ecological Justice and Conservation

Join us on February 2nd, 1 -2pm (Eastern) at the beginning of World Interfaith Harmony Week, for a conversation with Canadian faith-based ecological and climate justice professionals who will introduce their work and explore how to expand their efforts and connect with others. This panel discussion will be moderated by Sabrina Chiefari, Creation Care Animator, Sisters of St. Joseph of Toronto The webinar is free; the link to register is given below.

Karen Kelly, CND for JPIC