News from Visitation Province
October Happenings in Kingston
On Saturday, October 8th of the Thanksgiving weekend there were stars of many colours everywhere as the Kingston CND Sisters gathered at the Providence Motherhouse to celebrate the 90th Birthday of Sister Elaine O’Grady, CND. Among her gifts was a container filled with a star for every year of her life. Elaine chose a few and shared an event from that particular year. To welcome her into the nineties was a second celebrant, Sister Rosemarie Kennedy, CND who also had a birthday that week. There were treats and cake to celebrate these two women who have made a difference in so many lives over the years. May they live to be a “100”.
October 18th was also a significant day for the Kingston CND Sisters as they welcomed Sister Eileen McQuaid, CND as the latest member to make Kingston her home. She joins three other Congregation de Notre-Dame Sisters. We welcome Eileen and hope she will have a great sabbatical and fulfilling life in Kingston.
A Visitation: It wasn’t May 31st but the week of October 24-29 was a time of Visitation for us in Kingston with the arrival of our Provincial Leadership Team from Halifax. Using the Providence Motherhouse as their base Sisters Becky, Karen and Donna visited each of our dwellings and gathered us together on Wednesday, October 26 to review and stimulate the goals we had set during their visit in the spring. As they facilitated our reflection with energy and enthusiasm, we were helped to recognize our blessings and to envision new possibilities. Thank you for being with us.
Rosemary Shannon, CND
CNWE (Catholic Network for Women’s Equality) – Canada
35 members from across Canada met on Saturday in a Zoom gathering to share information on our various “Energy Circles” and make plans for another year of moving forward. Our Facebook page has been active, and our website is still out there. The Seed Keepers, our occasional publication to members, is still being produced.
Some of our circles are small; some are larger. Several areas sent submissions to Rome (directly to Rome – mostly to Sister Natalie Becquart, Undersecretary for the General Secretariat of the Synod) with material for consideration in the upcoming synod. Some remain hopeful Canadian bishops will hear women’s concerns. (One member says we need to keep “poking at the Bishops with our concerns, and not give up.”)
Our discussions and sharing centered around Hope; reference was made to Maude Barlow’s book this year called Still Hopeful: Lessons from a Lifetime of Activism. (Maude knows about campaigning for change, and she knows change can happen). “Hope is the oxygen of the soul,” offered one member.
The meeting ended with a prayer that assures us, “You are here now, for the work of these times.”
Eleanor McCloskey, CND
We gathered from across the Congregation, sisters and associates, via Zoom, to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the canonization of Saint Marguerite Bourgeoys and the 40th anniversary of CND Associate Relationship. There were 150 devices connected to Zoom, with 208 participants and 6 interpreters.
We spanned numerous time zones, from one in the afternoon in Western Canada and nine in the evening in Cameroon on October 30, to five Monday Morning October 31 in Japan. The opportunity to pray together in thanksgiving, in the four languages of the Congregation, was a blessing without measure. Many in Cameroon were unable to join as the electricity in Yaoundé had been off since Saturday morning October 29 and by Sunday evening had not returned, so cellphones had no charge left. Unstable internet meant many in Central America were not able to join the celebration. When the Breakout Rooms would not open, an even richer experience presented itself in the large group sharing. This project called for a great deal of work to prepare and organize; nevertheless, it would be wonderful to repeat the event. With gratitude to everyone for their presence and the sisters and associates for reading.
Anna Rowley with members of the 40th planning committee, Camilla Vautour, Ellen Lynch, Karen Volpe and Marjorie Allison-Ross
Book Recommendation
We Are Beloved 30 Days with Thea Bowman, ed. Karianna Frey. Ave Maria Press, available through Novalis. This slim volume immerses you in the prophetic words of Sr. Thea (1937-1990) that speak of belonging, healing, and inclusivity. "If we are to serve, if we are to care, if we are to minister, we have to get right inside. And so we pray, Spirit, touch me with your grace. Touch me with your wisdom. Touch me with your love." page 28
Alana Forrester, Associate with members of the Spirituality Committee
The Sisters of the Congrégation de Notre-Dame and associates will gather for a Commemorative Mass presided by Mgr Faubert on November 5, 10:30 ET at Notre-Dame-de-Bon-Secours Chapel, a chapel initially built on Marguerite’s initiative. This celebration will also emphasize other significant moments in the history of the Congregation, namely its 50+ years of presence in Cameroon (2020); 60 years of presence in Honduras (2022); and 90 years of presence in Japan (2022) as well as the 40 years of Associate Relationship.
The bilingual celebration will be live on Facebook ( and a recording will be made available.
Kathy Kelly, Associate