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News from Visitation Province

Saturday November 30th – Transformation Gathering Faithful to God’s Dream

It is always a welcome surprise to engage in our Transformation conversations. Marguerite’s life experiences awaken our own and when shared draw us into deeper solidarity. A small Ottawa circle of associates and sisters with two new women gifting us with their rich faith and cultures shared their lives and mission. We were nourished that afternoon by a feast of grace and plentiful food.

Nina Glinski, CND

Come Have Breakfast – Meditations on God and Earth. Elizabeth Johnson, csj (Orbis Books, 2024)

The title comes from the Gospel of John; (21:12). It is Jesus’ invitation to the disciples to enjoy a morning meal with Him on the shore after a night of fishing.

The content reveals a loving creative God – a God who continues to create, a God who values all creatures and shows us we are part of a huge and vast relationship. She speaks of God’s Beloved Creation. With gentle and familiar words, abundant references, especially to the Psalms, and a touch of humour at times, the author leads us from the first creation story, through time, into the dire need of care for the earth and all its inhabitants in these, our times. She acknowledges that “much good work has been done has been done, from international legal agreements to individual life-style changes.” She quotes Laudato Si liberally and lovingly, as well as Scripture and respected fellow theologians. Her writing is rich in imagery; word-pictures rise up in the meditations nurturing affection and concern for all living inhabitants of Earth.

Eleanor McCloskey, CND