News from Visitation Province
Associates meeting in Woodstock, NB
On Tuesday, June 21, a group of Woodstock Associates met at the Parish Hall. I accepted their invitation to come from Fredericton to join them. Marjorie led a prayer-time; we sang Let Us Hurry and read from the Visitation Circular. We had a short reflection on questions provided and closed with praying Janet Malone’s Encircle Us. A lively discussion on the Forty Social Justice Actions followed and several suggestions were proposed. It was a memorable National Indigenous People’s Day.
Eleanor McCloskey, CND
Issues facing migrant workers on PEI
It was inspiring to come to know that KAIROS is very active with groups from Souris to Tignish! They work in collaboration with other groups, like the Cooper Institute, to address the needs of Migrant Workers on PEI. For several years now, they have been involved in services including Accompaniment, Lobbying for Permanent Residency, Language Services and Protection of Human Rights. They are doing this under the "Empowering Temporary Workers' Program." It was said, however, that better connections needed to be made to ensure that there is a good relationship between the workers and their employers. Most of the jobs on PEI are related to the fish and agricultural industries so that they are, for the most part, employed in fish-processing plants and basic forms of farm labour. It is important for us, I think, to be aware whether there are needs we could address in these areas.
Anne T. Gillis, CND, for JPIC
West Kootenay Associates gathered together with Sister Norma Gallant on a most beautiful summery day with so much evident joy – how good it is to gather in person with those whom you love! How we have longed for this very thing. Together, we were able to witness Norma renew her vows and then our Associate commitments. We had this and so much else to celebrate together in person!
First of all, we acknowledged the beautiful mystery of the Visitation and to help us do that we used the prayer service found on the Congrégation de Notre-Dame website by Mary Anne Foley, CND, that she wrote a few years ago. It was perfect for us! It included 2 of the movements from her book, “Moving Towards the Other.” Our group often uses prayers and services found on the website. Thank you for this resource!
We also celebrated our 40th Associate Anniversary, the 50th wedding anniversary of Tammy & Ray, we bid a most fond farewell to Associate Cecilia, we welcomed Rhonda into our midst as a journeying candidate, and we talked about all our upcoming plans especially about making use of “Listening to Indigenous Voices.” We also indulged in a pizza lunch followed by a beautiful huckleberry cheesecake made by Norma!
Maureen Wiley and Tammy Fox, Associates
This weekend, Momentum: Catholic Single Mothers
Montreal is hosting their annual single mother's retreat. They have several new families coming this year. They are also hosting a leadership retreat immediately after for ten mothers who wish to contribute more to Momentum and develop their leadership skills. Talitha Cere, Executive Director asks that we keep the mothers, children and volunteers in our thoughts and prayers over the weekend.
Karen Kelly, CND with members of the leadership team
Teresa McKerral, associate area coordinator, visited the East Sisters and Associates
While Teresa was attending the Development and Peace Gathering Assembly in Nova Scotia, she made a side trip to Cape Breton. Theresa and Dianne, associate area co-coordinators in Visitation East, introduced Teresa to the Parkland Cape Breton CND Sisters, the Holy Redeemer Convent and Sister Gwen O’Neil. She attended a meeting and lunch with the Sydney Mines Associate group and visited the St. Marguerite Bourgeoys church in Sydney. After two years of virtual meetings, it was a very joyous occasion for everyone. Theresa met with Mary, coordinator for Visitation Central, while she was visiting her family in Kingston, Ontario. Dianne and Theresa also had a visitation with Sister Maureen MacIsaac in Sydney on June 19, 2022.
Dianne MacAskill, Associate
Our Principles in Action for Climate Change
This was a presentation given by five women from BC who identified as land and water defenders and who belonged to different faith groups such as the Quakers and Unitarians. They were particularly focused on the Trans Mountain Express Pipeline (TMX) expansion which is taking over Indigenous lands and creating widespread destruction of lands and forests. Their presentations were based on their spiritual lives which "impelled them to act in faith, with urgency." Based on their beliefs, which echoed Archbishop Tutu's famous saying: "If you are neutral, you have chosen the side of the oppressor," they promote non-violent civil disobedience to halt what they believe is widespread destruction of the land based on greed and profit. I was impressed with their incorporation of their lives of faith into their belief in the sacredness of earth and the need to protect it.
Anne T. Gillis, CND, for JPIC
A Must Read
If you want to read a book that will take you into the mystery of the Sacraments, the book that is a must read is: Saying Amen: Entering Into the Mystery of the Sacraments, by Kathleen Hughes, RSCJ (Published by LTP). In this book, Kathleen invites readers to deepen their liturgical prayer. She does this through a method of exploring the sacramental liturgies and reflecting on them. This method of mystagogy—the holy remembering of the words, gestures, sights, scents, music, and silence of the event—opens people to the touch of God. That openness can lead to transformation and a better understanding of what it means to say Amen during communal prayer.
Kathleen takes us into the mystery of each sacrament and leads us into the depths of the meaning of the ritual and gestures. I felt like I was on retreat while reading it. It has influenced my participation in Eucharist as well as the other sacraments.
Donna Kelly, CND