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News from Visitation Province

Party Time!

Ontario is slowly opening up, and a window at Providence Motherhouse has done the same. Our Congregation de Notre-Dame community came together celebrating this new reality. It was also birthdays for Ruth Penny, 91 years, Grace Martin 92, and Patricia Arsenault 85. This all entwined with St. Patrick’s Day as many of our group are Irish thro and thro. Joy, gratitude, singing, laughter and lots of treats lightened our spirits.

Mildred Chabassol, CND

This year’s theme is Groundwater: Making the Invisible Visible. The message is about groundwater’s vital role in sanitation systems, agriculture, industry, ecosystems and climate change adaptation. Almost all of the liquid freshwater in the world is groundwater. Groundwater is water found in formations of rocks, sands and gravels that hold water. Groundwater is invisible. We don’t see it; we tend not to acknowledge its presence beneath our feet.

Human activities may overuse groundwater more than can be replaced by rain or snow, or groundwater may be polluted. We

need to work together to manage this precious resource so necessary to all of life. Exploring and protecting groundwater will be essential to meeting both present and future needs.

Eleanor McCloskey, CND, for JPIC (Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation)

Our Virtual KAIROS Blanket Exercise takes place Saturday, April 9th from 1 to 4 p.m. Eastern, on Zoom.

“For me, the KAIROS Blanket Exercise (KBE) was a big wake-up call. Respectfully, it surfaced my ignorance and brought vital awareness about devastating effects of colonialism. Engaging and experiential, the KBE strengthened my desire to participate in processes for truth and reconciliation. It called me to listen to experiences of Indigenous peoples whose suffering and wisdom help lead us to right relationships with Earth, one another and all creation.”

Roma De Robertis, SCIC, Saint John, NB JPIC