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News from Visitation Province

Kingston Providence Motherhouse News

If one is good, two is better according to the Sisters of the Congregation de Notre-Dame at Providence Motherhouse. Seventeen sisters gathered to celebrate Patricia McCarney’s 92nd birthday and to anticipate the Feast of the Visitation. This was the first gathering of the group since COVID-19 claimed a part of our lives. We very much regretted that three in our group were unable to join. Our attention was drawn to a beautiful center piece featuring Mary and Elizabeth and the traditional marguerites arranged by Marijke. Patricia Arsenault called us into a short period of reflection centered on appropriate words from the Constitution before we renewed our vows. A tasty and delicate luncheon prepared by Marijke was enjoyed. Next there came the birthday gift, greeting cards and yet another Happy Birthday song. There was a wonderful feeling of unity and love among us and a sincere thank you to God and Our Lady for many gifts we receive as CND’s. – Barbara Prior, CND

On May 31st, the Feast of the Visitation was celebrated at the CND Health Center in Sydney. A prayer service was held with Sr. Ann Marie McDougall reading the gospel, Sr. Evelyn McNeil led the sisters with the renewal of their vows, and Sr. Catherine MacDonald gave the closing prayer. We were also fortunate to honour Sr. Bernardine Burke on her 70th Jubilee and Sr. Joanne MacFarlane on her 60th Jubilee. Sr. Margaret MacDonell gave a beautiful toast to commemorate the jubilees which was solidified with champagne and cake. The special day concluded with a lobster supper. It was wonderful to be together for a beautiful feast day. – Arlene Rutledge, Coordinator

Visitation Day – Andrews of Charlottetown: Because our chaplain, Fr. Bob Coady, is so accommodating, it was no problem to change our "Tuesday Mass Day" to Monday. We had a beautiful Visitation Day Eucharistic Celebration during which we renewed our vows, "making newer and deeper our call to be missionaries of the Gospel." In the evening, we prayed the "Visitation Journey" Prayer Service, praying that we will continue to be faithful to the belief that "God's Presence" – "God's Visitation" – is everywhere in our lives. Later in the evening we gathered for refreshments feeling that it had indeed been a special, life-giving day. (Quotations taken from Visitation Day Prayer Service) – Anne T. Gillis, CND

Ottawa Visitation Gathering, May 30. Associate Bill and Sister Clara Nasello facilitated our Zoom gathering with music, readings, shared reflections and renewal of sisters’ vows and associates’ commitments.

Visitation West Kootenay Associates 2021. It was amid beautiful summer sun and a lovely cool breeze under the shade of some stately old poplar trees that West Kootenay Associates gathered on Sunday afternoon to celebrate the Visitation. Our first in-person gathering in so long! What joy was evident! Our spirits were lifted high. We were at Gyro Park in Trail and it proved to be the perfect setting for us to pray and reflect and share, once again, on the beautiful Visitation story. This time our reflection included especially the person of Elizabeth, and her significant role of recognizing and welcoming God’s amazing entry into our history. As we do each year, we renewed vows and commitments but this year was made even more extra-special as we had the privilege and the joy of welcoming new Associate, Cecilia! Cecilia’s journey with West Kootenay Associates first began many, many years ago when she assisted Associate Janet in forming a long-running parish group named, “Visitation”. Janet began each session with reading and meditating on the mystery of the Visitation. You will understand why it is that Cecilia comes to us already well steeped in the wonder of this mystery. Welcome, Cecilia! – Maureen Wiley, Associate

Everyone smile! On Sunday, May 30, several associates gathered in Woodstock. The plan was to meet outside, on the plot where the convent used to be, but it was too cool and we had to move to the parish hall. Marjorie had prepared a prayer service, with music, reflection, intercessions and memories of the sisters and associates who had worked among us over the years. We were all happy and grateful to have this time together. – Eleanor McCloskey, CND


Nova Scotia-New Brunswick Visitation – May 31st

Joan, Trudy, Beverley and Anna of Truro, NS were joined by Ellen, Marjorie of Woodstock, NB and Sister Eleanor of Fredericton to pray together on our Feast Day. Anna hosted our virtual visitation; we enjoyed a special sharing time as we spoke our gratitude and renewed our commitment. The contemporary and colorful Magnificat (in Latin!) was different and delightful.

– Eleanor McCloskey, CND

From the JPIC Core Committee . . .

Housing is a Human Right

We invite you to sign this form letter from the Green Party of Canada asking Prime Minister Trudeau to declare a national housing affordability and homelessness emergency. Canada’s National Housing Strategy Act recognizes the right to housing as a fundamental human right, and yet so many Canadians live in housing insecurity. Skyrocketing rent, low vacancy rates, living in shelters and being removed from encampments in public spaces are daily realities for many, which the pandemic has only made worse. Let's keep this important issue in the spotlight for the government.

Help Stop Environmental Racism in Canada

Canada’s first law addressing environmental racism has finally made its way to Parliament, and we all need to speak up to make sure it passes. Environmental racism occurs when environmental policies or practices result in disproportionate negative impacts on certain individuals, groups or communities based on race or colour; for example, through placement of polluting industries or other environmentally dangerous projects in these communities. This has resulted in high rates of cancer, reproductive diseases, respiratory illnesses and other health problems in these communities.

This spring, Parliament is expected to vote on a critical bill to get Canada on the right track of addressing environmental racism. Bill C-230 would compel the government to generate the information needed and take measures to remedy and protect communities that have been disproportionately affected by environmental pollution. You can sign a form letter here: An example of environmental racism can be seen in the work of Hazel Johnson. For more than 30 years, Hazel worked to clean-up her corner of Chicago's southeast side. Her relentless advocacy made her a fixture in local news, and her story has been told in profiles and books and kept alive among her peers in the struggle for environmental justice. Hazel was a community activist, an early mentor to Barack Obama, a wife and mother of seven children, and a woman of faith. Twenty years before Pope Francis released his encyclical "Laudato Si', on Care for Our Common Home," Johnson was using similar language to describe the environmental challenges facing the world. "We have abused the planet mercilessly for years, and now we are paying the price," she told the Chicago Tribune in the 1995 interview. "If we want a safe environment for our children and grandchildren, we must clean-up our act, no matter how hard a task it might be."

Read more on Hazel Johnson here: