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News from Visitation Province

A wonderful celebration took place March 21st, at the CND Health Center. Sr. Catherine MacPhee turned 106 years old. She celebrated with song, prayer, cake and wonderful friends.

Arlene Rutledge, CND Health Care coordinator


Wednesday, April 7, 2021 is World Health Day

The theme this year is Building a fairer, healthier world.

Conditions for good health, mental and physical health, are so different throughout the world, how could we, who have so much to help us maintain good health, be involved in building a fairer, healthier world?

Perhaps we might begin with our own health and wellness. Credible resources in studies of mental health list three basic needs common to all human beings of all ages and stages, that help us feel good about ourselves. We have a need to feel competent, to have some autonomy and to be related/connected with others.

World Health Day is just a day. Can it help us be reminded of our responsibility for caring for our own health, resilience and positive approach to everyday life in the world in which WE live?

Eleanor McCloskey, CND


Good Friday for the Earth: Monica led the English version of 14 meditations for the earth and the poor beginning with “Jesus’ Entry into Jerusalem” and ending with “The Light of Jesus.” Each meditation referred to a reading from scripture, a focus and image for each meditation and ending with a prayer. The entire presentation was just over a half hour. This moving sharing of Jesus’ passion is available on YouTube at

Green Churches Network promotes integration of education, actions and spirituality. To learn more about the Green Churches Network please see the website

Mary Myers, Kingston associate


Movie: The Father. This film is not entertaining; it is informative and reflective. It opens up a part of one man’s story, his journey into dementia. The viewer feels Anthony’s increasing anxiety as we follow his daughter’s continued efforts to help. Watching, we experience confusion at times, as designed by the film’s director, to help us understand what Anthony is experiencing. Dementia does what it will; there is no degree of love for a parent (or anyone afflicted with this disease) that can “fix it” or make it better. Anthony Hopkins gives a masterful performance, as does Olivia Colman.

Eleanor McCloskey, CND


A new post by Sister Rosemary Shannon was added to the Associate Relationship Vivencia Journal this week. You can read it at

Vivencia is a Spanish word that means telling our story, our lived experience of how we have been called to meet and grow in love. What have your experiences been?