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News from Visitation Province

On Saturday morning, March 11, several of the Ottawa Sisters and Associates gathered for a time of visiting and reflection. This was a follow-up to the Lenten

Reflection, “Finding Grace in the Wilderness,” that Debie Thomas presented on Friday, February 24th, 2023.

The reflection question, “What have been the deserts where the Spirit has driven me in order to learn a kind of love that is independent of external circumstances?” led to some deep sharing and a greater appreciation of the journeys each of us has taken over the years. We highly recommend the book “Into the Mess & Other Jesus Stories: Reflections on the Life of Christ,” by Debie Thomas, that was published in 2022. Her Lenten retreat was based on the story “Tempte d” taken from this book.

Bill Fehlner, Associate

The Visitation Spirituality Committee would like to share a resource with you. It’s a book by Denise Bossert titled, “Gifts of the Visitation: Nine Spiritual Encounters with Mary and Elizabeth.” The author writes about the Visitation and that we share Christ with others in our world. The nine Spiritual Encounters that she describes in her book are: Spirit of Spontaneity, Spirit of Courage, Spirit of Joy, Spirit of Readiness, Spirit of Humility, Spirit of Adventure, Spirit of Hospitality, Spirit of Wonder and Awe, and Spirit of Thanksgiving. She shares her own story and journey to Catholicism in this book. Each chapter has Reflection questions on the theme of that spirit and a closing prayer. It can be purchased at Joseph’s Inspirational Inc., Toronto.

Marjorie Allison-Ross, CND Associate on behalf of the Visitation Province Spirituality Committee

The International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (March 21) recognizes that injustices and prejudices take place every day. In Canada, we know that progress has been made but Indigenous Peoples, racialized communities and religious minorities continue to face racism and discrimination every day. This is a day to remind us to continue our efforts to combat all forms of racial discrimination, injustice, systemic racism and hate to ensure a world where everyone is respected, safe, with equitable access to all aspects of society. JPIC Committee

World Water Day – March 22, 2023

This year, the focus of the UN observance is on accelerating change to solve the water and sanitation crisis. The global campaign, called Be The Change, encourages us to take action in our own lives to change the way we use, consume and manage water. Today, think about water: how much we need it and how accessible it is to us.

JPIC Core Committee