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News from Visitation Province

Tea and Talk at Holy Redeemer Convent in Sydney NS

Rain did not keep a group of women (and baby Bridget) away from our fifth Tea and Talk held in at Holy Redeemer Convent, Sydney on Sept. 19, 2023. Where did the summer go? Did you do something exciting? These were the chat topic along with three Associates sharing their journeying story with the group. Sisters Eileen Roach, Agnes Campbell and Simone Abbass were our hostesses for this occasion.

Dianne MacAskill, Associate

JPIC visits Montre

Last week I was fortunate enough to have the opportunity to visit Montreal to present our JPIC (Justice Peace and Integrity of Creation) work to the sisters and associates. My first presentation was to the Sisters at Mary of Peace who gave me a warm welcome and were engaged and excited at the continuation of JPIC work. I also presented to the associates and sisters who met at de Seve residence. I was touched by their hospitality towards me and their passion and energy for JPIC’s work. When visiting with sisters and associates in the province it is always so clear to me how deeply the charism

and mission is held by each one and how it flows through our JPIC work.

Additionally, I had the opportunity to visit Notre-Dame-de-Bon-Secours chapel and learn more about Marguerite Bourgeoys and the history of the Congregation. I continue to be inspired by Marguerite and all the sisters in their dedication and commitment to liberating education. I am especially grateful to the sisters at deSève residence for their hospitality and accompaniment throughout this trip. I look forward to the next few weeks as I travel and meet more sisters and associates.

Ruva Gwekwerere, JPIC Coordinator

Regularize Everyone

Let’s get it done: The protest on September 17 for Kingston and the Islands took place at the office of MP Mark Gerretsen. Kingston was one of 16 cities in 9 provinces calling on Prime Minister Trudeau to ensure full and permanent immigration status for all migrants as promised 20 months ago.

The participants included people of all ages, cultures, and walks of life. Regularization and status are about rights and power. Various speakers focused on personal, family, community and national perspectives including issues of racism, workers, human and equal rights. Lack of documentation means no access to health care, separation from family and potential workplace abuse.

 The Providence Centre for Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation organized the local demonstration and requested that a message be sent to every Canadian minister through

 Migrant Rights Network.

Mary Myers, Associate

The Synod on Synodality

Ten Canadian women, CNWE members (Catholic Network for Women’s Equality) will be travelling to Rome, October 1-6, 2023, joining other groups who are also advocates for women, and are committed to supporting the worldwide call for changing some of the hurtful established systems that damage the church, society, and creation itself. These members will join reform-minded Catholics from around the world as the Vatican Synod on Synodality Assembly begins.

Pope Francis initiated the ‘Synod on Synodality’ to invite Catholics to listen to each other and to discern what the Church is called to be in our time. Consultation at local, diocesan and regional levels has produced reports. Vatican-selected voting delegates will assemble in Rome for the month of October in 2023 and 2024 to discuss what has been submitted for consideration. This synod is historic; for the first time ever, non-clerical women and men will have voting rights. We are in interesting times!

Eleanor McCloskey, CND

Movie Recommendation

“Bones of Crows” is a Canadian movie based on the true story of Aline Spears who uses her ability to understand and translate codes into working for a special division of the Canadian Air Force as a Cree code talker in World War II. It follows her story from childhood and her removal to residential school and subsequent impacts on her family. It’s not an easy movie to watch because of her cruel treatment in childhood and subsequent multigenerational family trauma. It is available in theatres and on pay per view on television. As of September 20 it will be available in a five part expanded series on Wednesdays for free viewing on CBC Gem at Bones of Crows | Shows | CBC Gem (CBC Gem is a free app which provides free access to many movies, documentaries, TV series etc.)

Kathy Kelly, Associate