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News from Visitation Province

A Celebration of Welcome in Sydney On Friday, October 13, 2023, fourteen Sisters of the congregation de Notre-Dame and friends, gathered at Holy Redeemer Convent to welcome and celebrate Sister Margie MacDonell’s return home to Cape Breton

Island after forty-eight (48) years ministering in the province of Alberta.

To the delight of all present, the celebration began with the singing of “The Road to the Isles” accompanied by Elaine Hawrylak. This was followed by words of welcome addressed to Margie and a beautiful prayer service in gratitude for her presence among us once again. A very fitting song, “Take Me Home Country Roads,” was sung, again accompanied by Elaine Hawrylak. Special wishes and a blessing were given to Sisters Margie and Dolores Kennedy in honor of their 60th Anniversary of Profession. And there was more to come – A Happy Hour, a Toast to Margie given by Agnes Campbell, and a delicious lunch of sandwiches and sweets, tea and coffee prepared by our Awesome Cook, Colleen. Welcoming Margie home became a very joyful experience for us all.

Gwendolyn O’Neil CND on behalf of Holy Redeemer Convent

Happy Birthday to Sr. Joanne MacFarlane

We were pleased to celebrate Sr. Joanne on her 84th Birthday on Oct. 27th at the CND Health Center in Sydney. A special day for a wonderful lady.

Arlene Rutledge, Coordinator

Summary of the Interfaith Presentations

Laudate Deum: Some of us were able to watch the presentation by several Canadians regarding why Pope Francis felt the need to publish a new encyclical. In his own words: “Our response to the Climate Crisis has not been adequate, as we are not realizing that we are experiencing a “Planetary Emergency.” The presenters emphasized:

The urgency to divest of fossil fuels: Oil, Gas and Coal, as they are the root cause of the climate emergency. A “Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty” is needed and our Indigenous Nations, are calling for this.

The climate emergency is related to the fact that this year the temperatures on earth were the warmest they had been for a thousand years. Another speaker was, “the Architect of the Paris Agreement” which focused on protecting nature, protecting the most vulnerable and future generations. Reference was made to COP 28 which is expected to be an important gathering in Dubai focused on building a safe world. The last speaker, a Franciscan Priest from USA stressed that we humans need to remember that we are interconnected with all of creation and are responsible for “respecting and promoting” the interdependent web of all creation of which we are a part.”

Anne T Gillis, CND, for JPIC

Words matter

“Unhoused or Houseless” instead of “Homeless” is growing in usage by individuals and groups concerned with the growing number of people having no fixed address. The word “Homeless” has some toxic implications based on past usage and stereotypes and advocates say if used it should refer to “Homeless People” or “People who are Homeless”. The pandemic, lack of affordable housing and low or no incomes mean there are many diverse reasons for having no fixed address.

Kathy Kelly, Associate