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News from Visitation Province

Kingston Gathering of Sisters and Associates

The Kingston CND Sisters and Associates had a gathering Sunday, November 19th.

Kathi shared highlights from the reports from Toronto and Beyond, Ottawa Area, Montreal and Kingston. The report from the Howe Island gathering suggesting projects and activities was shared. Mary led us in the Litany of Peace in Time of War, reflections, prayers to St. Marguerite and updates from Central office. We had very meaningful sharing on what it means to be called upon to go on a mission.

We sang together the beautiful Let Us Hurry on the Way. A lovely turnout and opportunity for sharing! Kathi Colwell, Associate

Cranbrook Associates of the East Kootenays

As fall slowly turns to winter the Cranbrook Associates welcomed the opportunity to gather for our monthly meetings. As we endeavour to deepen our spiritual lives, we decided to reflect on The Art of Life – Monastic Wisdom for Every Day by Sr. Joan Chittister. The book is divided into months and each month has a theme and a series of short excepts from spiritual authors that reflect or speak to the theme. This book offers us the opportunity to read the short passages on a daily or weekly basis and then bring to our regular meetings what we learned, what we felt or what challenged our thinking. Our conversations then focus on St. Marguerite and how her writing reflect or enhance what Sr. Joan has offered.

Each Associate will take a turn facilitating a session; our first session was facilitated by Teresa, a gifted art therapist. Teresa in her gentle way, challenged us to see with different eyes or from another perspective. Her skill as an art therapist showed each of us that we can “see” differently and with this new sight, act differently.

As well this year, we are pleased to formally welcome Scott as an Associate. Scott has been journeying with our group for years. We welcome his perspective and thoughtful comments on issues such as ecology and indigenous rights. Welcome Scott to our local group as well as to the larger Associate community!

Gerri Fletcher, Associate on behalf of the Cranbrook Associates of the East Kootenays

COP28 is Coming

As you may have heard, Pope Francis will be attending the COP28 conference in Dubai, in a historic first! COP28, short for the 28th Conference of the Parties, is a significant global event where leaders and delegations from various countries will come together to address climate change from November 30-December 12. During COP28, nations discuss and negotiate ways to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, protect the environment, and adapt to the impacts of climate change. It’s a crucial meeting aimed at finding solutions and agreements to tackle the pressing environmental challenges facing our planet together.

Pope Francis will also be speaking at the inauguration of the COP28 Faith Pavilion—an inclusive space dedicated to engaging religious and spiritual communities in the dialogue on climate change. This Pavilion provides an opportunity for various faith-based groups, leaders, and organizations to share their perspectives, values, and contributions towards environmental stewardship and sustainable practices.

Ruva Gwekwerere, JPIC Coordinator

CND Internationality Prayer

Sisters Ann Broderick, Phyllis Gallant and I prayed the CND Internationality Prayer Wednesday evening, Nov 21. Maybe Marguerite’s boat was delayed a week.

We collected the names and a few symbols of our 9 countries as we prayed The Psalm of Creation en français, the readings and the intercessions laid out in the prayer prepared by Debbie Warner. I’m sorry I did not take a photo of the group. I’m still a bit stunned that my elders prayed from their iPads and I from printed pages. #intergenerationality #internationality #gratitude

Susan Kidd, CND