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News from Visitation Province

In June 2023, an online dialogue was held with faith leaders and experts from around the world on the issue of Loss and Damage.

Loss and Damage refers to the impacts of climate change that are already being experienced around the world, especially by people in the Global South. Last year, at COP27 in Egypt, a major breakthrough was reached to establish a fund for communities suffering from Loss and Damage. At COP28 in Dubai this coming week, the final details of this fund will be agreed.

At the June JPIC (Justice Peace and Integrity of Creation) meeting, it was agreed that we should not only reflect, but we are also called to act. Therefore, a group of Catholic NGOs came together to create a statement, for leaders of all faiths across the world to show their support for action on Loss and Damage. This statement will be delivered to world leaders at COP28 in Dubai. As people of faith, we see and feel the suffering of people across the world due to climate change. We are called to challenge this, to show solidarity, and help build a just world where everyone can thrive.

This campaign can only be signed by leaders of faith. Sister Rebecca McKenna signed in the name of the Congregation of Notre Dame Visitation Province.

Karen Kelly, CND for the JPIC Core Committee



Sister Norma Gallant and the West Kootenay Associates, together with our journeying companions, gathered at Holy Trinity Church and celebrated with joy the beautiful Prayer Service that had been circulated. Before beginning, each person held up their international symbolic item and explained why they brought it. Each story was moving, including that from Associates from the Ukraine. We prayed for each one during the Intercessions.

Maureen Wiley, Associate

A Day in the Life… of Sister Eleanor

Sister Eleanor McCloskey was recently interviewed by Parkland Residence in Fredericton. The interview touches on her teaching career, her outlook on life and her many present involvements. The company knew what they were doing when they chose her as someone to make them look good! The interview is now posted on Parkland’s blog and can be read at

Karen Kelly, CND

Serenity Renewal for Families (SRF) – Gathering of Gratitude / 40th Anniversary, November 26, Ottawa City Hall

The Ottawa Children’s Choir launched the program for the many gathered with 3 beautiful bilingual pieces. The many former and current Board members, staff, volunteers, and donors were acknowledged. Local federal, provincial, and municipal politicians expressed appreciation and support for the work noting the increasing need for these services and highlighting the fact that all families including their own are impacted by addictions. Some clients shared their personal experiences of healing and recovery.

Sisters Nina and Clara, and Associate Alexa received an award on behalf of the CND community for Spirituality which is one of the four Pillars of SRF. Alexa spoke of the co-founding with Sister Louise Dunn and the generous CND support in many ways over the years. They were influenced by Marguerite Bourgeoys and the need they recognized to include children in workshops as part of the family approach. SRF continues the tradition of providing services to all regardless of the ability to pay for them. SRF is not only surviving it is thriving as it prepares to move soon into its new location at Heartwood House in the Vanier neighbourhood. The shared space there will be closer to many needing their services and more financially sustainable. The afternoon echoed joy and hope despite difficulties and challenges faced by all affected by addictions.

Kathy Kelly, Associate

Never too late to celebrate!

What COVID interrupted in October, the CNDs in Charlottetown and beyond made happen in November. Seven sisters gathered to celebrate Sister Anne H. MacDonald’s 90th and Thanksgiving. Bonne celebration tout le monde!

Susan Kidd, CND

Dr. Michael Higgins and the Synod

Dr. Higgins was invited to St. Marguerite Bourgeoys Church in Sydney, NS, to share his experience in Rome during the synod. Michael is a well-known journalist, author and academic. He is very much a fan of Pope Francis and maintains the synod is a Church-shaping event that brings hope. He says the Pope wants the world to address world realities and injustices within our Church. Dr. Higgins spoke of his opportunities to meet with delegates in Rome and with members of various groups. He said groups (like CNWE) went to Rome not to protest, but to companion the delegates and witness to the issues that matter. Michael said it was observed that clericalism is one issue that was raised from submissions everywhere.

He described the scene – 35 tables, 12-13 delegates at a table, 6 different languages- and the process of prayer, silence, sharing, listening and more silence.

He said delegates came to love it and acknowledge that it works! Bishops who had experienced

other synods said this is the first one in which the outcomes were not already known. “It’s refreshing to know we are shaping outcomes.”

The 42-page synod summary, and other reviews are available online. It was just extra interesting to hear and see a presenter tell of his experience.

The question was asked, “Will there be anything coming from our bishops to continue the good work that has begun?” Michael replied he has been assured there will be something coming soon. We must not lose momentum!

Eleanor McCloskey, CND

(Note: The talk was live-streamed; also recorded and posted on FACEBOOK St. Marguerite Bourgeoys Parish, Cabot St., Sydney, NS)

Christmas Cookie Decorating Workshop & Christmas Games at Résidence Bon-Secours, Montreal

Christmas cookie making workshop, Sister Clare enjoying “the fruits of her workshop labour,” and Sisters Monica McKenna and Clare O’ Neill participating in “first time ever Christmas Games” at RBS.

Carmie Rizzo, Coordinator

The 6th Tea and Talk was held in November in Sydney with 25 ladies in attendance.  Everyone was happy to make new acquaintances and share these wonderful stories with the group. Those in attendance were wished a Merry Christmas with a date to continue on January 16, 2024. A big thank you to Holy Redeemer Sisters and staff for assisting us with this event.

Dianne MacAskill Associate Coordinator