News from Visitation Province
Sisters gathered at the CND Health Center in Sydney for a touching All Souls Day celebration
As each name was called, a sister would light a candle in her memory, giving time to offer thanks for a life well lived. This was followed by a communion service with music provided by Sister Elaine Hawrylak. We marked the end of our celebration with time together and refreshments.
Celebration At Bon-Secours Chapel
On Saturday, November 5th, Bon-Secours Chapel was vibrating with a joy not felt or seen for many years as sisters, associates, guests and friends gathered at a Mass for the 40th Anniversary of the Canonization of St. Marguerite Bourgeoys and to celebrate a number of congregational milestones. Sisters and Associates were out in great number for this occasion with a number of them participating in the various ministries in the liturgy presided over by the Most Reverend Alain Faubert, Auxiliary Bishop of Montréal. A short reception followed the mass, and then Visitation Associates and Sr. Kay continued their celebration over brunch at a neighboring restaurant.
Charles Taker, Associate
A Retreat to Remember at Parkland, Cape Breton
The sisters of Parkland Cape Breton were gifted this week by spending three days in Retreat directed by Doctor Beverly Musgrave. The author of the publication, “Spiritual and Psychological Aspects of Healing,” Beverly is the foundress of “Partners in Healing,” and was Professor of Pastoral Counseling and Spiritual care at the Graduate School of Religion and Religious Education at Fordham University.
- Centering on the “Sacred Mysterious Journey we call Life,” Beverly skillfully led us through the various “Transitions” and hurdles of one’s lives, while focusing on Prayer, discussion, and compassionate listening. Beverly’s expertise in leading us communally and individually was truly enlightening and unforgettable. Her sessions were excellent!
Beverly as well revealed her own coping capacity to emerge from her one-time life’s “gift” of a “Black Box” to the discovery of the Living Light of God’s Presence even in the darkest moments of our lives. She truly inspired our hearts throughout her presence, not only throughout her excellent presentations, but in her keen, empathetic listening skills to her audience.
- Closing the session with the famous Leonard Cohen Lyric “Anthem,” had a way of beautifully summing up our consideration of mastering the “Transitions” through Cohen’s memorable lines:
“The birds they sang At the break of day Start again
I heard them say Do not dwell on what
Has passed away Or what is yet to be. Ah the wars they will Be fought again
The holy dove
She will be caught again Bought and sold
And bought again The dove is never free.
Ring the bells that still can ring Forget your perfect offering There is a crack in everything That is how the light gets in”
We are most grateful to Sr. Connie MacIsaac and Sr. Mary Morris for providing us with such an impressive life- giving experience.
Georgina MacInnis, CND
Meeting of New Victoria Associates and Guests
A planning meeting for the coming year began with prayer and sharing. For the past two years the group has enjoyed a book study by Robert J. Wicks entitled “Everyday Simplicity – a Practical Guide to Spiritual Growth;” today we completed the journey and brain-stormed various ideas that might occupy our journey throughout the upcoming year. After some consideration and lots of dialogue we decided that we would spend time learning more about the lives of the Saints while incorporating a study of our Chapter Directives, especially some work with the wisdom in the book “Listening to Indigenous Voices.” We also are a presence at a nursing home and in our parish. Towards the end of our gathering we were joined by our Pastor Fr. Godwin who brought Fr. Damian MacPherson, formerly of our community, for a visit as he is home enjoying some much needed rest and relaxation from his ministry at Garrison, New York.
Dianne MacAskill, Associate, on behalf of the New Victoria Associate Group