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News from Visitation Province

A sign of hope…

This spectacular sight met our eyes and caused our spirits to rejoice as we left Marianopolis College on Monday evening. We had been celebrating the official purchase, by the college, of the building that was once the 7th Mother House of the Congrégation de Notre-Dame and is now the 4th home of Marianopolis. In presenting a framed plaque recalling aspects of the history of the college, Sister Ona expressed the wish that “the heritage of

liberating education for future generations of young women and men [will continue to be] assured and thriving at Marianopolis.” May the rainbow be a sign of the fulfilment of that wish.

Patricia Simpson, CND

The Religious of Atlantic Canada (RAC) Planning Committee invites Sisters to our next RAC Gathering, Friday evening to Sunday afternoon, May 17-19, 2024 at Mount Saint Vincent University, Halifax.

We had a content-full event last year and hope to have time to deepen and expand our awareness. A more contemplative/sacred listening experience will be offered to allow a deepening and forward flow. Libby Osgood, CND will lead our reflection Saturday and Jolaine States, SC will lead a video on racism. We have much to ponder, reflect, and discuss — whether you were with us last year or not. We are travelling on this journey together.

Susan Kidd, CND UPEI Campus Ministry

We love our planet! We can show we care! We can help Earth heal!

Earth Day was established in 1970 in the US. In 2009, April 22 was designated by the UN General Assembly as “International Mother Earth Day.” The April 22nd event recognizes that the Earth and its ecosystems are our home, and that we need to promote harmony with nature and the Earth. People from around the world are supporting the environment and highlighting the urgent action we need to take to save our planet.

This year’s theme, Planet vs Plastics, calls us to an awareness of the health risk of plastics. We work to eliminate single use plastics, and push for a strong UN Treaty on Plastic Pollution. Researchers tell us 380 million tons of plastic are now produced every year. Only 16% of plastic products and packaging is being recycled. Most plastics go to landfills or incineration sites. Plastic particles are abundant in our rivers, oceans, and waterways. Recycling is not the answer. Serious science is calling for a 60 percent reduction in plastic by 2040. “The Planet v Plastics campaign is a call to arms, a demand that we act now to end the scourge of plastics and safeguard the health of every living being upon our planet,” writes Kathleen Rogers, president of

Eleanor McCloskey, CND for JPIC

Spirit Listening – Ottawa Sisters and Associates, April 13

Seven Associates and two Sisters gathered on Saturday, April 13, to pray and reflect with a reading from the writings of Marguerite. This was in response to the request from the Transformation Process Committee to consider the experiences of Transformation that Marguerite Bourgeoys lived. The format of lectio divina provided us with a supportive framework in which to allow the Spirit to speak to us, individually and collectively. Feedback from our sharing will be sent to the Transformation Process Committee and to Central Office.

Bill Fehlner, Associate