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News from Visitation Province

Happy Birthday Saint Marguerite!

Parkland Cape Breton celebrated with the Rosary on the 404th Birthday Anniversary of Saint Marguerite Bourgeoys.

Associates thanked the Sisters for their support and wished them well in the days ahead as they continue to walk in the footsteps of Marguerite.

A beautiful lunch & birthday cake was enjoyed.

Tea and Talk

Another successful Tea and Talk time took place at Holy Redeemer Convent, Sydney, NS, on April 16th. It has become a welcoming way for women to gather, to make new friends and to renew friendships. The women love to chat and share their beautiful stories. Our gathering theme is “Somewhere to Begin” (by Sara Thomsen) which we find appropriate for our celebration.

Dianne MacAskill, Associate Coordinator


CND – Sisters, Associates and Friends in Kingston had an amazing, educational and engaging visitation on April 21st. We are extremely blessed and grateful that Sister Marijke Gerretsen came ‘home’ to speak to us about Interculturality and Internationality and what these words mean to her. She also presented, with joy and enthusiasm, on the leadership team’s travels throughout Cameroon. In appreciation to Sister Marijke, a donation was made to the Community Foundation of Kingston and Area for the Marguerite Bourgeoys Housing Fund.

It was a most lovely afternoon with a time for fellowship and tasty refreshments with twenty-seven of us gathered!

Woodstock Associates April Meeting

The Woodstock Associates met on Earth Day, April 22nd and welcomed Sister Eleanor McCloskey to our gathering. Eleanor opened our visitation with a very meaningful Earth Day Prayer/Grace. A meal of soup and bread was shared before beginning our Introduction to discussions on the CND

Transformation Process. We viewed the video where Sister Teresa Maya explained the process that the CND Leadership is asking us to participate in. We read from the Writings of Marguerite Bourgeoys about Marguerite looking at a statue at a Rosary Sunday procession and finding herself so moved and changed by the experience.

Marjorie Allison Ross, Associate

Recommended Book: See No Stranger by Valerie Kaur

How do we love in a time of rage? How do we fix a broken world while not breaking ourselves?

Valerie Kaur, a renowned Sikh activist, filmmaker and civil rights lawyer describes revolutionary love as the call of our time, a radical, joyful practice that extends in three directions: to others, to our opponents, and to ourselves. It enjoins us to see no stranger but instead look at others and say: You are part of me I do not yet know. Starting from that place of wonder, the world begins to change. It is a practice that can transform a relationship, a community, a culture, even a nation.

Clara Nasello, CND, with members of the Spirituality Committee