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News from Visitation Province

Religious in Atlantic Canada (RAC) gathered last weekend at Mount Saint Vincent University in Halifax. We have been meeting annually on the May long weekend for several years. 2023 saw the group collaborate with CRC and JPIC Atlantic as we welcomed Ilia Delio. This year we chose to enter into the weekend and deepen her words. Sister Jolaine States, SC and Sister Libby Osgood, CND guided our reflection on racism and on Teilhard de Chardin.

We were fortunate to welcome the Congregation Leadership Team as they travel throughout Visitation Province.

On Sunday, we had time to evaluate our time together. The group chose to meet in person next year, May 16-18, 2025 at MSVU, reflecting together on “Collaboration” and continuing our conversation about racism. Save the date! Look for more information in the fall.

To be sure you are on our email list, please send the email address you use most regularly to Sue Kidd at as we strive to keep our database up to date.

– Sue Kidd, CND

Gathering of Western Associates and the Congregation Leadership Team

When Associates from the West plan their annual gathering, it is with 3 separate locations in mind: the “main” or primary gathering for the whole West takes place at Seton House of Prayer in Kelowna; while scheduled events from that same gathering also occur separately in both Cranbrook and Innisfail. Much planning happens throughout the year both in our regular gatherings and at the Area Leaders’ Zoom sessions. Planning starts well in advance, with next year’s theme and facilitator already being discussed.

This year, we were particularly joy-filled to welcome our Congregational Leadership Team and experienced Visitation deeply as we journeyed throughout an amazing weekend together, not only in Kelowna but in Cranbrook and Innisfail as well! Our topics included a Blanket Exercise, and several sessions on transformation and synodal process. We also looked at decolonization from a settler’s point of view. We even had Sr. Karen Kelly here so fully and present among us. Wow! So full a weekend…it was epic.

– Information and photos submitted by Associates, Teresa McKerral, Maureen Wiley and Bill Gowans

Toronto: Gaza Ceasefire Pilgrimage, May 11 and 12

The Gaza Strip is 41 km from end to end. Likewise, the City of Toronto, is that from west to east. And so, your intrepid reporter got up way early Saturday morning to travel 27 subway stops (plus a bit by bus) to join a group of ecumenical pilgrims at Bloordale United Church, for another installment of the Gaza Ceasefire Pilgrimage.

Bloordale represented Rafah for a moment of prayer before we set out. Rest stops along the way, mostly at churches, stood in for cities in Gaza whose names have become all too familiar from newscasts. We were encouraged to carry signs, to keep silence, to pray, to sing hymns as we went. We got plenty of thumbs-ups and cars honking their approval. One of the signs said, “honk for peace”, and a small formation of geese overhead also obliged.

There were 119 people registered for the event. Never all of them together at any time, people like I did

joined in and dropped out along the route as their endurance and/or schedule permitted. Perhaps some joined in who hadn’t registered – all were welcome. Informational flyers were handed out along the way, so maybe some people joined who had only just heard about it.

Even the hardiest didn’t do 41 km all in one day. After 12 hours recovery in a horizontal position, I had ambitions to do a stretch with them on Sunday. The second day ran even longer, so there were more possibilities to choose from, and closer to home for me. For Sunday Mass, I had joined a favourite parish doing the Holy Spirit novena ahead of Pentecost, but then I got just way too comfy on the couch at home. However, thinking of all those people so far away without a couch, without a home, without choices, who have to keep going no matter how exhausted they are, I walked up to the commuter train in order to go and congratulate pilgrims at the finish line. My admiration for them all is boundless. Prayers are for a ceasefire, but more than that, for a just peace for all in Palestine and Israel, prayerful solidarity with all.

  1. Douglas, Associate, Member of JPIC Committee

Monthly Tea and Talk in Sydney

May 21st was a beautiful day for the monthly Tea and Talk at Holy Redeemer Convent. Some familiar faces and new guests attended this final session until September. Sister Agnes Campbell did the

opening greeting. These gatherings have been very beneficial for women.

The high attendance since March 2023 is encouraging to the CND Sisters and Associates which indicates there is a need for this type of gathering.

Dianne MacAskill, Associate Coordinator