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News from Visitation Province

Special Celebration at Parkland Cape Breton Residence, Sydney 

On July 18th, the Sisters of Parkland, gathered to honor, celebrate and give thanks to four Jubilarians: Sisters Anne Marie MacKenzie, Hazel Power, Mary Joan MacDonald, and Lorraine Abbass. In a beautifully decorated community room, we celebrated their unbroken fidelity to God with prayer, a full-course dinner,beautiful music and interesting discussion.

It was a pleasure to call attention to their loyal dedication to continuing the work of our Foundress, Marguerite Bourgeoys. Her spirit and dedication and that of the Virgin Mary herself, are mirrored by the long-devoted service of these three 70-year and one 60-year Jubilarians. Responding “yes” to their definitive call from God has led to their combined 270 years of devoted service to others and the spread of God’s mission on Earth.

Congratulations again, Sisters and thank you.

Georgina MacInnis, CND

Toronto CND Sister Joan Lewis shared her knowledge of Saint Marguerite Bourgeoys at the Fortress of Louisbourg this August

She was welcomed by the Parks Canada staff and her contribution was much appreciated by the Sisters and Associates of Cape Breton. The touristsalso enjoy having a Sister available when they visit this exhibit. In thesephotos Sister Joan Lewis is seen with volunteer Associates Lorrette Andrewsand Angela MacKinnon on August 15th, National Acadian Day. The Fortress ofLouisbourg is a partial reconstruction of an 18th century French colonial town.

Dianne MacAskill, Associate Coordinator