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News from Visitation Province

The Marguerite Bourgeoys Housing Fund

With assistance and guidance from the Community Foundation for Kingston & Area the Gazeley’s (Associate Alice and husband Ray) created the Marguerite Bourgeoys Housing Fund in 2019. The fund is the fruition of their commitment to the belief that all people in our community should have a place to call home. The fund has reached $50,000. For more background information about the Fund, its establishment, connection with CNDs and ways to donate please visit

Mary Myers, Associate Coordinator

Teilhard de Chardin: A Book of Hours Afternoon Retreat

Facilitated by Sr. Kathleen Deignan, CND and Sr. Libby Osgood, CND Based on the writings of Teilhard de Chardin and his spiritual vision of creation this retreat will explore their recently published book Teilhard de Chardin: A Book of Hours. The retreat includes communal prayer, personal silent reflection, and small group conversation. Copies of their book will be available for purchase. Light refreshments will be served.

  • Date: Saturday, October 19, 2024
  • Time: 1 pm to 4 pm
  • Venue: Loretto College (Romero Room) 70 St. Mary St., Toronto
  • Cost: $15 per person
  • Payment: E-transfer payment for registration should be sent with note: “For MWC Teilhard de Chardin Retreat”.
  • Questions: please contact: Sr. Sarah Rudolph

Kathy Murtha, Associate

Book Recommendation: Mother God. (Beaming Books: Minneapolis. 2022) Knowing a God who acts as a loving mother brings a new and rich imagery to describe and exemplify God’s interaction with us. In this beautiful picture book by Teresa Kim Pecinovsky, we are presented with feminine images of God found in Scripture. Theauthor stretches our traditional image of the God we have learned to think of and speak of as he, him, and his. The illustrations are vibrant and varied, showing children and adults, animals, happy times and tears. Written for children, the book captures one’s inner child and shows us our God has many names and many ways of making us know God’s love.

Eleanor McCloskey, CND