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News from Visitation Province

Wellness & Health Resource Team [WHRT]

As a new season gets underway so does the work of Committees. On Oct. 4-6 a meeting of the Wellness, Health and Resource Team (WHRT), along with our lay Coordinators of Care, took place at our Motherhouse. This was the first in-person gathering in several year and being together was very much appreciate d. As was noted by our Congregational Leadership Team after their visit in the Spring, the care for sisters in Visitation Province is exceptional. The objective of WHRT is to live up to that standard. We do this first by educating ourselves and deepening our own understanding of care-giving. To that end we viewed several excellent videos on Positive Aging, shared experiences and best practices from local areas and most importantly, considered how we might move forward. Participants left feeling energized for the task of bringing new learnings home to their respective locales.

Eileen Roach, CND with members of the WHRT

Action Réfugiés Montréal

The year nineteen ninety-three seems like a very long time ago, when we opened Refuge Juan Moreno, a shelter for people seeking safety. Since then, the connection with Action Réfugiés, a group that provides support to refugees seeking protection in Canada, has been and continues to be invaluable. For me personally and for many of us, the relationship with staff and with refugee claimants is a vital source of hope.

In order to raise funds, Action Réfugiés Montréal annually hosts ‘Ride for Refuge.’ Participants drive 10 or 20 kilometres or walk a 2.5 or 5 km walk. Although I don’t get on a bike (no surprise to most of you), I love meeting the folks before they begin the ride. For the last two years Jane Maxwell, a co-chair of the Board, has stayed overnight with the sisters at de Sève. Also, Visitation Province generously contributes financially. That we as sisters and associates stand with women, men and children fleeing their homes to seek safety in Canada speaks loudly in a good way especially during this time of so much push back. Thank you for EVERYTHING.

Maura McGrath, CND