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News from Visitation Province (Canada)

Visitation Province Centre visitor on Monday, November 30th

We were all happy to welcome a ‘new face’ at the Province Centre on Monday. Sr. Connie MacIsaac dropped in with treats — dressed in her native Cape Breton tartan to wish us all a Happy St. Andrew’s Day. Thanks for your visit Connie … and the delicious cookies!

Mona Bradley

Pope Francis says, “Water is an issue of primary importance, since it is indispensable for human life and all other life forms." (Laudato Si 28) Here's how you can demonstrate how little of the earth's water is actually available to sustain life: 2 litre bottle = all the water on Earth 50 ml jar = fresh water on Earth (10.1 tsp) 35 ml= water trapped in glaciers (2.36 tbsp). Eye dropper = 1% of water supply left for agriculture, drinking and washing as well as for lakes, rivers and fresh water ecosystems. Water = life.

(Sister Mary Elizabeth Clark, ssj, Ambassador tor Catholic Climate Covenant and author of Teaching Kids to Care for God’s Creation, Twenty-Third Pub.; 2018)

JPIC Core Committee

Human Rights Day is observed every year on December 10th. The theme for 2020 is Recover Better – Stand Up for Human Rights. It relates to the pandemic the whole world experiences. It focuses on connectedness and togetherness in building a world that is more just, resilient, sustainable. Stand Up for Human Rights means we create equal opportunities for all, address past failures and apply human rights standards to move on from entrenched inequalities, exclusion and discrimination.

JPIC Core Committee

Hope Will Never Be Cancelled

The first candle on the Advent Wreath is often called the candle of hope. Last Sunday, Sister Terry Richard OP, (Catholic Women Preach) left us with this phrase: “Hope will never be cancelled.” All week long, it seems we’ve been hearing of cancellations: school events, sports, concerts, church events, family visits, Christmas parades, Christmas projects. Where I live, I saw signs saying, “Bingo cancelled; morning coffee chats cancelled, Friday Happy Hour cancelled.” It seems so much of our lives is being eliminated… because it has to be that way for now. But hope is not being cancelled. From Isaiah to now, and into new days, hope will continue. Hope will never be cancelled.

Eleanor McCloskey, CND

Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation The JPIC Core Committee has usually counted on an annual face-to-face meeting to revisit together our goals, hopes, and efforts to continue the work undertaken by JPIC and its interaction with other groups. This year, the committee organized 4 consecutive ZOOM sessions to plan for ongoing education for ourselves as we continue to connect with sisters and associates throughout the Province.