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News from Visitation Province (Canada)

November Remembering

The Sisters of Résidence Bon-Secours in Montréal could not gather physically, but united in spirit and prayer to remember and celebrate the lives of their companions called into the fullness of life this past year. Our small community is missing four of its members … Anastasia Murphy, Joyce Roberts, Patricia Landry and Katherine Coltart. Through prayer, song and reflection, we remembered and gave thanks for so much gift.

In unity with each of you and all in our world experiencing loss and called into being and offering HOPE wherever and however we can,

Sisters of Mary of Peace community

Canadian Congrégation de Notre-Dame Vocation Committee

Here we are, the new Canadian Congrégation de Notre-Dame vocation committee! With your prayers, CND leaders from across Canada welcomed the new committee. Our work unites CND sisters of different regions and languages in Canada to promote Congrégation de Notre-Dame religious life and respond to questions raised. Magnificat!

Sisters Andrée Maheu, Violaine Paradis, Joan Lewis, Sheila Sullivan, Susan Kidd, Rebecca McKenna, Jo Badali, Marie deLovinfosse, Susan Kidd [missing: Émilie Maddix]

From Exile to Pilgrimage

Thursday, December 3rd from 10 AM – 4 PM This will be conducted both on-line and in-person.

(In-person is available for the first 8 who choose that option.)

Join us as we reflect on this “exile time” in our lives and in our world…What does God want to say to our hearts? Have we the ears to hear the invitation to be a pilgrim on the paths opening before us? Have we the eyes to see the star in the sky and the courage to follow where it may lead us, where it may be calling our world?

For more information contact:

Barat Spirituality Centre – Halifax, NS Telephone: 902-456-6112


Becky McKenna, CND

Belated Post From Last Week!

Once known as “All Hallows’s Eve,” or “All Saints Eve,” Hallowe’en was a time when people dressed up as Saints (??) and went from door to door “trick or treating.”

The sisters of Parkland Cape Breton experienced the same fun from two generous “sports,” Anne Marie MacKenzie and Mary Joan MacDonald pictured here.

Another highlight of our evening was the enjoyment of delicious “Morris Furack” made by Sr. Catherine Morris, and Do-Nuts made by Coleen (Holy Redeemer) and her helpers: Srs. Gwendolyn, Isabel, and Catherine V.

Thanks to all the “Saints” in our midst! In short, we thoroughly appreciated the evening!

Georgina MacInnis, CND