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News from Visitation Province (Canada)

Halloween Bingo at Providence Motherhouse – Kingston

Who said Halloween is for children? Perhaps it is because many of the sisters and staff let loose their inner child in the dining room at Providence Motherhouse. To enhance the environment, the costumes worn by staff and many of the sisters were most creative and some even had us guessing the identity of the person so adorned. As always, safe distancing was observed as the regular Thursday Bingo got under way. Bingo winners are always eager to choose the mystery prize. This week, hidden between the pages of a calendar was the $5 bill. Special treats appropriate to the Halloween theme were enjoyed by all. This is just one of the many opportunities offered to provide socialization and enjoy variety in our lives during the COVID-19 reality.

Barbara Prior, CND

Just for fun…and …thanks!

When the pandemic started and then lockdown, I sent a message to a friend and included the song: "We'll meet again, don't know where, don't know when…." She responded: " I wonder if we will recognize one another when we do meet?"

As time goes on, I am grateful to all the sisters and others who have made it possible for us to meet by way of Zoom. It has been a real joy to connect with all CNDs and friends around the world. Sooo… thanks to all, keep Zooming so we can meet again. 

Joan Lewis, CND dressed up for Halloween 

(Maureen Baldwin animated a party on Zoom.)


On November 2, a special service was held on All Souls Day at the CND Health Center, remembering the deceased sisters of Visitation Province over the past year. The sisters took part in the service by doing scripture readings and intercessions. They were most grateful to be able to remember their deceased companions. 

Arlene Rutledge, health care coordinator

CND Health Care Centre

On US Election Day from 11:00 to 12:00, the sisters of de Sève Residence joined with religious communities throughout the United States and elsewhere to pray for the election process—that it be fair and free of violence.

Party time – Prayer time

The Sisters at Andrews participated in two significant celebrations in recent days. The remembrance of the anniversary of St. Marguerite's canonization and the feast of "All Hallows Eve" were celebrated together. Our Opening Prayer to Marguerite was followed by refreshments and sharing of stories of some of our antics on Halloween in our younger years in a variety of milieus. AND… lo and behold, we were joined by a brightly costumed clown who we were afraid might be arrested on her way home because the curfew had been set and the police were out!

On November 2, we remembered, with a display of pictures of the sisters who had lived at Andrews since it opened. Using the Prayer Service provided by the CND, we also remembered and named all the Sisters and Associates of Visitation Province, lighting candles in memory of each sister and the Marguerite Bourgeoys candle in memory of the associates.

Anne T. Gillis, CND

Peace by Chocolate, by Jon Tattrie, CBC journalist. (Published by Goose Lane, Fredericton, NB, 2020).  Many of us already know about the Syrian refugee family, the Hadhads, who came to live in Canada just a few years ago.  We have seen them on television; maybe we have purchased chocolate from their family business.  Reading these pages brings each of the family members into our hearts. The people of Antigonish, Nova Scotia, reached out in welcome to: Tareq (elder son, first to come), Isam, Shanhaz (parents), Batoul, Taghrid and Ahmad (siblings) followed later by other family members. 

Generous neighbors raised funds and offered support of all kinds. Within a few months, the Hadhads were making chocolate and organizing a company!  

They journeyed from prosperity in their homeland, through loss and great suffering. Their determination and work ethic, their openness to new ways and acceptance of advice helped. Their generosity and gratitude fed by family strength and a desire for peace promotion, and always, their passion and love for chocolate, carried them through.  What a delightful contemporary happy story to help us stay positive and hope-filled as we seek to adapt to changes in our own lives!

Eleanor McCloskey, CND