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News from Visitation Province (Canada)

Visitation Prince Edward Island

Theresa and I visited the beautiful island of PEI in September. Our first stop was to Andrews of Charlottetown to visit and extend prayers for a speedy recovery to Sister Marie L. Arsenault. We were graciously welcomed by Sisters Joan Marie Chaisson and Shelley Grant at the Marguerite Bourgeoys Centre in Summerside.

We met with CND Associate and Sisters from North Rustico, Linden and the Summerside groups, who were open to our discussion on the future of our Congregation de Notre-Dame Associate Relationship.

Theresa shared her 400th Saint Marguerite Bourgeoys exhibit to commemorate the anniversary of her birth. The 400th Anniversary musical CD “Let Us Hurry on the Way,” was played and enjoyed by all present. Our final evening in PEI was celebrated by a visit from Sister Regina McQuaid.

Theresa and I were thrilled to meet our associates and are prepared to re-visit in 2021. Thank you to everyone who made our trip successful. All COVID guidelines were followed.

D. MacAskill, Associate

Visitation Mabou Community

Sister Catherine MacEachern accompanied us on our visit Sunday, Sept. 27th to the Cape Breton Inverness County community of Mabou, Nova Scotia. We attended masses at St. Mary’s Church and we were warmly welcomed by Rev. Daniel MacLennan. Theresa shared the Marguerite Bourgeoys exhibit and she spoke of St. Marguerite’s life and ministry to the parishioners. A meeting was held in the vestry and the associates were presented with their 400th Anniversary candles and they enjoyed the CD “Let Us Hurry on the Way.” If you ever have the opportunity to visit Mabou, it is a postcard village and the people are very friendly.

Development & Peace-Caritas Canada FALL CAMPAIGN

Theresa MacNeil attended a workshop Sept. 30th, in Port Hawkesbury, Nova Scotia to kick off the fall campaign “Recovering Together.” This was organized by Development and Peace Diocesan Chair, Winnie Odo, our New Victoria, NS Associate. During this meeting attendees heard from Development and

Peace staff who work to protect the Global South communities and its people. Did you know, you could become a D&P lifetime member for a one-time cost of $10.00 and did you know, that you can become a monthly donor through the Share Year-Round program? We can all be part of the solution. Social justice is an ongoing struggle.

St. Theresa’s/Holy Angels Sydney Associate Group Meeting

Sister Theresa Sampson welcomed Genevieve as a new journeying candidate to the Congregation de Notre-Dame Associate Relationship, St. Theresa’s group. The blessings and ceremony was held at Dianne’s home on Sunday, Sept. 20th. 80th birthday wishes were extended to Lorrette, leader of the Holy Angels group. Theresa lead the group in a prayer service entitled “Lighting Candles” again in honor of Saint Marguerite Bourgeoys 400th Anniversary. This service was planned for March but with the COVID restrictions it did not take place. Doreen closed the meeting with a prayer, Season of Creation. 

COVID-19 Update -We Still Have A Shot At Christmas

Dear Congregation de Notre-Dame Sisters and Associates: As we see all the grief and sorrow of the world, it is sometimes difficult to know where to put our energy and how we might possibly contribute to the healing we need and desire. One of our Mission principles is the belief in love – as an individual, an act of tenderness and care. We believe that acts of love, both small and large, add up to something powerful, something that transforms us individually. In this time of hardship for so many around the globe; what does love look like for you? We need each other. Let us act in gratitude, joy, hope, celebration and love for humanity and for our common home.

Truro Associates’ Meeting

The Truro Associates resumed regular monthly gatherings on Sept. 17th at 2 pm. We enjoyed Joan’s hospitality.

We began our prayer time with “Song of the Disciple” by Kathleen Deignan. Juanita led us through “A Reflection of Autumn Days” which was rich in imagery and content. We then continued our prayerful reflection on the Beatitudes. We have now completed Five of the Eight Sessions in this Booklet.

It was wonderful to be together to share our bondedness as Associates. It surely supports us as we journey in faith through both the joys and challenges of our lives.

We hope to meet every third Thursday of the month if our COVID reality permits. Now that we have experienced Zoom we can use this medium as a backup should in person meetings not be feasible.

We closed our time together with the song “All That I Have Ever Desired” by Kathleen Deignan.

Submitted by Trudy Cox

Prayer for Our Community 

O Great Love, thank you for living and loving in us and through us. May all that we do flow from our deep connection with you and all beings. Help us become a community that vulnerably shares each other’s burdens and the weight of glory. Listen to our hearts’ longings for the healing of our world. [Please add your own intentions.] . . . Knowing you are hearing us better than we are speaking, we offer these prayers in all the holy names of God, Amen.

Sisters and Associates attended the Part 2 Community Zoom meeting “Call on Water” on Sept. 23rd. An invitation was extended to share on how water has been a gift to our lives. Break out groups reflected on the role JPIC should take in the future. Sister Theresa Sampson spoke of a scientist Dr. Masaru Emoto who says there are hidden messages in water molecules, one Sister envisioned the Eucharist. Monica Lambton reminded us that water is a human right. Our CND Sister Mary Corbett lobbied the United Nations in 2010 for water and sanitation to be a Human Right and it has been 10 years since that time. Sister Mary Corbett participated at this Zoom Meeting. JPIC is offering a Zoom webinar with two speakers working on the Blue Community project of the Sisters of St. Joseph. They will share their experience and take questions Thursday Oct. 8, 2-3 pm EDT. The Federation of the Sisters of St. Joseph in Canada became a Blue Community in late 2017. They recently released this 12-minute video called One River, Two Futures: Reflections on Water, to engage people about critical water issues and to share their own reflections.