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News from Visitation Province (Canada)

Earth Day at Andrews of Charlottetown

The sisters appreciated our being in touch with the 50th anniversary of this important event. Some took the opportunity to reflect on its significance as we sat in the community room at different times during the day. We pray that we will continue to hold in our awareness, in spite of these difficult times, that “the whole universe is filled with the grandeur of God.”

Anne T. Gillis, CND

Earth Week at Providence Motherhouse, Kingston

The 50th Earth Day Anniversary was celebrated in a unique fashion that involved the participation of all the Sisters who were able. On Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of the week of April 20, on the dining room tables were questionnaires that the two sisters at each table were invited to answer. Approximately 35 Sisters took part. Each day many insightful and interesting answers came forth. The following are just a few examples taken from a compilation of many.

Monday’s question: When you think about your connection to the Earth, what comes to mind for you?

 A few answers:

• “We are breathing as one with the Earth breath.”

• “Gratitude for the ENERGY the Earth has given us and what we need to do now to assist in repairing our damage.

• “It’s an ill wind that doesn’t blow some good around! – Effects of COVID-19-less pollution, fewer emissions etc.”

Tuesday’s question: How have you seen the Environment change over your lifetime?

A few responses:

• “More and more natural disasters, i.e. forest fires, Tsunamis, Earthquakes, Tornadoes…Thinning of the OZONE LAYER.”

• “We have taken over the lands inhabited by wildlife who now come into what we claim as ours.”

• “Experience of Earth crying out for help and people beginning to respond to the needs of the Earth more.”

Wednesday’s question: What are we as Religious Women doing at this time in our history to show our care for our Earth / Common Home / Planet? What more needs to be done?

A few responses:

• “We joined other congregations in urging voters in the last national election to bring to the attention of their local politicians the issue of climate change.”

• “…taking responsibility for on-going education of ourselves and those we meet about what is needed to help the Earth, our blue/green planet.”

• “We are being very supportive of any initiatives that are being taken to help preserve the planet.”

• Here on the property the Sisters are still growing vegetable gardens, keeping the grounds free of pesticides, making every effort to limit the use of plastic, and engaging in on-going recycling. We hold the Earth in our prayer with gratitude.

These questions and answers evoked much discussion during the meals and awakened us to our need to be even more conscientious in caring for our common home.

Eleanor Monahan, CND

Living As a Blue Community

As announced at the end of 2019, Visitation Province has joined dozens of other organizations, religious communities, institutions and municipalities in becoming a Blue Community.

Part of what we committed to is to protect water. Together we will learn about water, about the state that it is in and how we can best protect it as sacred and as a human right. It is perfect timing for us to consider all of these things at the same time that we reflect on the lessons that we are learning from the COVID-19 Pandemic and develop a vision for the new society that we would like to see built anew as things begin to re-open.

We begin with Gratitude.

For the abundance of fresh water that we have in Canada and for the opportunity to see blessing in this time of Pandemic. Activity for this week: Watch this 4-minute video on Praise and Gratitude:

JPIC Core Committee