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News from Visitation Province (Canada)

Greetings from Honduras! 

From across the miles, my heart-thoughts and prayer have been with one and all through this difficult lent and most unusual Easter season. May the gifts of the season help us all as we, as a whole planet, journey to renewed health with a deepened conviction of our inter-connectedness. We are safe and well here in Amarateca, Honduras and being very careful. Please take good care and be well. Unity, solidarity and all good blessings to you and yours.

Lorraine Costello, CND

Earth Day 2020 

Climate Change This year marks the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day! We have two crises before us: one is Covid-19 and the other comes from the serious concerns with our climate.

Scientists tell us climate change represents the biggest challenge to the future of humanity and the life-support systems that make our world habitable. It is imperative that every country step-up, with conviction, urgency, imagination and total dedication. We have seen disastrous weather patterns, huge storms and floods; and presently we are living through, with worry and great efforts, a pandemic.

How can we make Earth Day 2020, the beginning of a determined response to the climate crisis, as we have been able to swiftly respond to the Covid crisis?

We heard many encouraging comments on the Earth Day zoom call organized by the Congregation de Notre-Dame Social Justice Coordinator. Nick, the Dawson student presenter, spoke about the factor of sustainable happiness and the importance of emphasizing the purpose and joy in working for sustainability, especially with young people. Chris Adam, the Sustainability Office Coordinator at Dawson shared with us that "The spiritual side of this work is to look at it holistically and not just a project (like we tend to do in education). The real goal is to encourage people to make connections on action, meaning and impact." He also said that a big part of this work is "validation of others in what they are able to do" and encouraged us to find and engage “champions, wherever they are” around us.

Monica Lambton, JPIC Coordinat

Sunday, May 3, 2020 – World Day of Vocations

Pope Francis’s message for the 57th World Day for Vocations was published March 8, 2020 as COVID-19 was wreaking havoc in Northern Italy.  As we receive his message, the virus is causing chaos in our lives and around the world. It is fitting that his “vocation words” are pain, gratitude, encouragement and praise.

“Dear friends, on this day in particular, but also in the ordinary pastoral life of our communities, I ask the Church to continue to promote vocations. May she touch the hearts of the faithful and enable each of them to discover with gratitude God’s call in their lives, to find courage to say “yes” to God, to overcome all weariness through faith in Christ, and to make of their lives a song of praise for God, for their brothers and sisters, and for the whole world.”

The Vocation Formation Resource Team would like you to know that we have decided to postpone our Come and See weekend.  Given all that is, a weekend gathering at the Motherhouse seems impossible this spring.  Plans are to host this event in the fall.  Stay tuned and keep praying!

Sue Kidd, CND with Vocation Formation Resource Team

Greetings from Kingston!

Today, April 17th is the day we were planning to have “Marguerite’s 400th Birthday Open House”.  Our celebrating will be different…  but I’m sure we will all be united in prayer thanking God for the gift of Marguerite’s life and spirit to Kingston, Canada and beyond! Marguerite’s courage is a source of strength for each of us today as we respond to present day events encouraging and supporting one another and all those around us.

“One morning, when I was fully awake, a tall woman dressed in a robe as of white serge, said to me very clearly: “Go, I will never forsake you.” I knew that it was the Blessed Virgin. This gave me courage and I found nothing difficult… In every event I have always promised God to do my best to succeed with the help of His grace .” (Marguerite Bourgeoys)

Let’s stay home and be well!

Sr. Marijke Gerretsen

Kairos Video:

Even though Easter, the day itself, has been here, this beautiful video narrated by Jennifer Henry, Executive Director of Kairos, is relevant every day. I think Marguerite would endorse it for her birthday!! KAIROS’ 2020 Easter video: Easter Mystery in Extraordinary Times.

Eileen Power, CND 

In the spirit of Covid-19 we celebrated Marguerite’s 400th in a very quiet way. We put together information on Marguerite, including medal, prayer cards etc., along with birthday cupcakes. These were delivered to friends within our apartment building or dropped off on a doorstep…all within the provincial guidelines of the Department of Health

 Connie MacIsaac, CND & Mary Morris, CND