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Official visit of the Leadership Team to Visitation Province – May 26 (Part 2)

Collation with the associates after Sunday afternoon’s meeting.

Sisters from Parkland, Holy Redeemer and all over Sydney welcomed us!

Meeting the sisters from Sydney

Visit of the former Convent and Holy Angels School, now the New Dawn Centre, an initiative that brings together the 5 Indigenous Mi’Mak communities from here for incredible artistic expression and creativity. Marie’s kitchen and café bear witness to the spirit of mutuality and going toward, and better yet, of welcoming others because there is an internationalization in this part of Canada that can be a model of living together and social cohesion.

We also made a Naqa’si, a stop to visit the Mi’Mak community of Membertou. What creativity between modernity and the desire to preserve what is essential: harmony with nature!

Sainte Marguerite Bourgeoys Parish

Big Fiddle

We left early Monday morning for St. Francis Xavier University in Antigonish, then headed back to Halifax to catch our flight to Toronto. Yes, we will arrive in the province of Ontario tonight.

See you soon!