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Official visit to the Notre-Dame-des-Apôtres Region_12 DOUVANGAR AND MERI

We met with the children of the Mama Gilberte CND private Catholic school in Tchéré, named in honour of the school’s founder, Sister Gilberte Bussière.

To start, the sisters gave us hats to protect us from the sun during our visit! We went to Douvanger and Meri, where the sisters started their mission in the Maroua-Mokolo Diocese.

‌Father Floribert Tchimanga, a Josephite, and the head nurse showed us the former residences of the CND sisters and the Saint Michel Archange Chapel in Douvangar, where we prayed together for the CND mission in the diocese and around the world.

As the visiting General Leader of the CND, Sister Ona was gifted two chickens and a bouquet of flowers. And we danced!

The children were waiting for us at the Mama Gilberte CND school. After some words of welcome from one of the Grade 3 kids, the principal and one of our former students in Douvangar, Ms. Almaya, thanked us for coming to the community.

Another former Tchéré student has been teaching at the school for the past few years. We met her with her three daughters who all attend the school. She asked not to teach the class with her daughters in it, as that would be too difficult for her. She prefers to just support them at home and help them with homework.