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Official visit to the Notre-Dame-des-Apôtres Region_15 PILGRIMAGE

We started our pilgrimage with our sisters Brigitte and Lucie by visiting the former home of Msgr. Yves Plumey, OMI, which has become a place of pilgrimage and prayer. We listened to Sister Nicole, the leader, tell us a little about the archbishop’s life.

Msgr. Yves Plumey, OMI, was the first bishop of the Church in Far North Cameroon. He was murdered on the night of September 2 to 3, 1991, in his home. It’s a sacred place, a place of martyrdom, that supports the Catholic Church in Far North Cameroon and Cameroon as a whole.


We learned that his crosier was only returned to the diocese seven years ago. It had been originally given to his family after his burial, and none of his family members were able to make the journey from Brittany, France to Ngaoundéré for quite some time. His family now wants the crosier to be preserved here, in Marza. We were also able to observe the progress on the construction of a new sanctuary for the people of God here and around the world.

Here is a quote from Msgr. Plumey, addressed to his fellow priests: “With all my heart, I wish to serve missions and missionaries…may I remain close to you as a devoted father and brotherly friend. ”

In the afternoon, we will be meeting with the associates.