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Opening of a new mission in Chalatenango

On the day of the celebration of the 401st anniversary of the birth of our beloved St. Marguerite, we lived the common experience of opening a new mission in Chalatenango. A moment full of enthusiasm, a time of faith, and a light of hope in this time of pandemic.

Rereading, we realized that the mission in El Salvador has a common thread: Accompany its people during difficult times. In 1987 during the war, we founded our first mission, and now in 2021 during the COVID-19 pandemic, we are founding our second mission. Undoubtedly it is a call from God to accompany his people during difficult times. 

At this time, they were still settling in. Hopefully, we will soon have more recent pictures to see the house after its installation and furnishing. We accompanied the sisters in this new challenge, of feeling at home, settling in, and giving their best effort in arranging the house with their style and touch.

The second part of this experience was the official presentation of the sisters, the blessing of the house, and the inauguration of the new mission of accompaniment, organization, and planning of the Diocesan Catechesis.

During the homily of the welcoming Eucharist, Bishop Oswaldo asked each of us to introduce ourselves, give a brief description of the Congregation, our charism, and spirituality, and share what we will do in the Diocese and who St. Marguerite Bourgeoys was. The people welcomed us with joy.

Later, during the offertory procession, we shared flowers, an image of St. Marguerite, and Bread and Wine with the community of Chalatenango.

Before the end of the Eucharist, the sisters were sent out and invited to go on mission, with the words of St. Marguerite.

We sang a song to Marguerite “woman of deep faith” and were invited to take a picture with the group and the Eucharist celebrants.

After the Eucharist and the welcoming celebration in La Aldeita community of María Auxiliadora parish, we were invited to go to the house to bless the place where the sisters will live. 

We ended this moment of sharing with a delicious creole chicken soup with all the parish council pastoral agents, the people of La Aldeíta, Bishop Oswaldo, and the priests.

We thank each one for their solidarity, prayers, and good wishes for this new mission. This mission began with much hope, generosity of the people of La Aldeíta, the work of the priests Salvador Deras and Mauricio Quijada, and our sisters: Pedrina, Sandra, and Silvia. We continue to entrust them to your prayerful heart so that they can continue their Visitation journey. We also entrust Carmela, who for the time being, continues to carry out her mission in Brisas de Candelaria.

Thank you for all your encouragement and for supporting our mission with your listening, interest, and solidarity. We remain united in prayer.