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Ottawa Sisters and Associates Gathering 2 October 2021

Nestled in the beautiful surroundings of Lac MacGregor, Quebec, at the cottage and land generously offered to us by the OMI community, 2 Sisters and 6 Associates met for the first time since the onset of Covid-19. Let us never take for granted the privilege of gathering in flesh, and the energy, joy and life this brings to everyone! Sr. Clara Nasello, Bill Fehlner and Sr. Nina Glinski cofacilitated the day gifting us with a depth of spiritual, physical and emotional nourishment that was truly moving.

On arrival, the smell of hot coffee, muffins, and Jacqueline Fehlner’s awesome baking awaited us in the cozy cottage. We took time to reconnect at leisure. The rainy day only contributed to the coziness of our time together.

We began with Bill taking a moment to remember the land we were on, followed by a water ritual and Clara’s presentation. Clara led us in a grounded and gentle way into a beautiful imagery on the light we are, followed by a blessing of the waters, the waters of life from which we all came. She inspired us with her input on God’s desire to love us and see our light out into the world. Let the Beauty you love be who you are!

Bill Fehlner, Associate, then shared, in such an authentic way, his thoughts and readings on longing to belong, and community. In the afternoon he led us into relaxing Feldenkrais movement. Finally, Nina Glinski enlivened us with her insights into Marguerite Bourgeoys’s later years of life: her challenges, her desire to live fully God’s presence in her life and her experience of letting go. There was no doubt that Marguerite had decided to join us for the day. And, no doubt that Nina and Marguerite are good friends! Our sharing time brought with it a new depth of insight, tears, joy and laughter.

Throughout our time together, we experienced love, nourishing, connection, recharging, Marguerite’s presence and the embrace of our Great Mother Earth.

This was truly a coming home moment on all levels infused with the backdrop of our Covid experience; of Truth and Reconciliation Day; of Spirit’s presence, and the wisdom and generosity of our facilitators. Praise be, and let there be Peace!