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Some News from the Canadian Vocations Committee of the Congrégation de Notre-Dame

On Saturday, May 28, the Canadian Vocations Committee of the Congreégation de Notre-Dame came together to continue its mission to foster vocations and reflect together on what promotes vocations.

Our meeting began with a time of prayer led by Sister Josephine Badali. This moment allowed us to settle and realize how our lives, like intertwining threads, form a beautiful tapestry, a work of multiple colours… From this symbol, Josephine invited us to share the thread of hope that each one brings to this reflection meeting. Working together in vocation promotion is a source of hope and energy for our group.

Then, we continued a reflection that has been with us for some time. We discussed new ways of getting involved in the promotion of vocations in our provinces and in the Congregation. We plan to invite someone from another congregation to speak to us about how promotion and vocation promotion are lived in his/her congregation.

We are delighted to share with you that following the synodal meetings with fifteen young adults via Zoom on March 20 and April 10, 2022, reports were prepared (by the young people themselves). These were sent to our dioceses and to Rome. We received an acknowledgment of receipt from Rome and from some of our dioceses as well. This fills us with hope and confidence!

The accompaniments that we live with women in discernment continue. These women come from everywhere: the Maritimes, Ontario, Quebec, and even Saudi Arabia, India and Haiti. Please keep them in your prayers.

We are also very excited about the idea of having CND participation in WYD that will take place in Lisbon in August 2023. Participating in WYD is a beautiful place for the expression and promotion of vocations. We recall the theme of this WYD, right in line with our charism: “Mary arose and went with haste.”

Finally, we added important dates to our agendas for retreats/conferences regarding vocations that will take place as of September. We receive newsletters from several organizations such as the National Association for Vocation and Formation Directors (NAVFD) and National Religious Vocation Conference (NRVC) to develop our reflections. For those who can participate in them (and who echo them to us afterwards), these conferences are always quite enriching. They allow us to be aware of what is happening in the world of vocations today in order to adjust and inform our approaches.

What emerges from this meeting? It is joy, hope in, discernment, dynamic listening… Lastly, we would like to share with you how privileged and blessed we are to always be accompanied by our dear interpreters Magaly and Patricia J.

Thank you, dear sisters and associates, for your prayers that are not only precious to the women that we accompany but also to us!