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St. Marguerite Bourgeoys and the Congregation of Notre-Dame Honoured in Kingston, Ontario

On a beautiful October day, a sturdy Sugar Maple tree was planted in City Park, Kingston, Ontario. It was accompanied by a commemorative plaque that read:

“Dedicated to the Sisters of the Congregation of Notre Dame in honour of the 400th Anniversary of the birth of St. Marguerite Bourgeoys, foundress of the Congregation of Notre Dame in Canada 1620 – 1700.”

The City Arborist chose the Sugar Maple in recognition of the origins of the Congregation in Quebec and the making of maple syrup, etc.

The Sisters are most grateful to the staff and students of St. Marguerite Bourgeoys Elementary School who initiated and donated this memorial to the city. Heartfelt thanks to Associate Alison Bogle and the Principal of the school, Carmine Minutillo, who have worked so diligently to instil the spirit of Marguerite in the school and maintain the relationship between the Congregation of Notre Dame Kingston community and the school community. Unfortunately, due to COVID-19, a celebration of this memorial will be held later.