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The Congrégation de Notre-Dame is celebrating 50 years of presence in Cameroon

The Congrégation de Notre-Dame is celebrating 50 years of presence in Cameroon

Did you know that…?

24 CNDs who were missionaries in Cameroon or who were responsible for missionaries, have entered the house of the FATHER:

Sister Julienne Godin

Sister Lucienne Racette

Sister Marcelle Neiderer

Sister Cécile Poissant

Sister Jacqueline Dufour

Sister Imelda Auger

Sister Hélène Corriveau

Sister Jeanne d’Arc Lemay

Sister Yvette Moreau

Sister Yvette Michaud

Sister Juliette Forest

Sister Lucille Bernatchez

Sister Colette Ouellet

Sister Solange D’Amboise

Sister Gisèle Mathieu

Sister Madeleine Dumouchel

Sister Simone Vigneau

Sister Eliane Lapointe

Sister Angéline Reid

Sister Gisèle Laurin

Sister Fernande Dubé

Sister Jeanne Ponton

Sister Marguerite St-Hilaire (Missionary Services)

Sister Fernande Saint-Pierre (Missionary Services)


Let us give thanks to the Lord for their life given to the service of The mission

Among the sisters who have returned from Cameroon

Sister Pierrette Boissé, Sister Gervaise Deschênes and Sister Marie-L. Arsenault have been much appreciated occasional collaborators.

Sister Marthe Thériault is Leader of the Jeanne-Marguerite Community in Montréal.

In Québec, there are six sisters:

-At Accueil Marguerite-Bourgeoys:                                                    –    At Résidence Bon-Secours:

Sister Pierrette Simard                                                                            Sister Thelma Renaud

Sister Réjeanne Therrien                                                                         Sister Yolande Tellier

Sister Monique Daigle                                                                              Sister Louise Bouffard

                                                                                                                  Sister Pauline Asselin

-At Notre-Dame de Québec:                                                                     Sister Madeleine Pelletier

Sister Fernande Cantin, Leader                                                               Sister Jeanne Beaudoin

Sister Gisèle Bourque                                                                                Sister Michèle Lamoureux

Sister Julienne Paré                                                                                   Sister Nicole Pronovost


In Dorval, Sister Ange-Aimée Roy.

At the House of Prayer, Longueuil, Sister Gilberte Bussière.

Sister Sarah Leboeuf is at Maison du Sacré-Cœur and Sister Émilie Maddix, Provincial Councillor, lives at Résidence Notre-Dame-de-Grâce.

Many are in service in remote locations:

Sister Denise Gauthier, in Alma

Sister Sue Kidd, Sister Noreen MacDonald and Sister Marie-L. Arsenault, in PEI

Sister Catherine Molloy and Sister Louise Finn in New York and

Sister Marilyn von Zuben, in Toronto.

Three sisters who directed the Missionary Service are in Montréal:

                  Sister Thérèse Roy, at Résidence Jeanne-Marguerite

                  Sister Louise Bégin, at Résidence Notre-Dame-de-Grâc

Six Canadian STARS continue to shine in the Cameroonian sky?

Sister Solange Monfet, one of the foundresses of the mission,

Sister Gertrude Babineau and Sister Bernadette Breton are at our hospitality house in YAOUNDE.

Sister Cécile Buote works at the pre-novitiate in KUMBO and Sisters Yvette Dubois and Gisèle Provost are at the novitiate in NGAOUNDERE.

Sister Sophie MBOUGOUM, CND, of Cameroonian nationality accepted the mission of General Councillor at the mother house for 5 years.

We sing to her:

  • Woman on the pathways of the Lord, in MONTRÉAL, she rejoices in serving Him. We thank her with all our heart.”

Six ladies, when they were CNDs, gave a proud helping hand to the mission in Cameroon in its beginnings.

They are:

Ms. Françoise Baril (Montréal)

Ms. Monique Gilbert (Longueuil) now an Associate

Ms. Juliette Bernier (St-François-Xavier, Sherbrooke)

Ms. Yvonne Lamonde (Saint-Augustin de Desmaures)

Ms. Bertha Richard (Summerside, PEI)

Ms. Louise Hébert (Asbestos)

A warm T H A N K  Y O U to each and every one!

Ms. Chantal Tremblay, a retired teacher, devoted two years of her life to the young people of Ebolowa, and to the Justice, Peace and Development Commission of the Ebolowa-Kribi Diocese.

She founded a school library and computer room (room, computers, training).

THANK YOU, Mme Chantal!

Sister Louise Côté, Superior General, on official visit to the Region of Cameroon, meeting with the Regional Council at the time. From left to right:

Sister Solange Monfet, Regional Superior; Sister Louise Côté, visitor; Sister Lucienne Racette, (Makak), Regional Bursar; Sister Imelda Auger, (Otélé), Councillor; Sister Émilie Maddix, (Douvangar), Councillor; Sister Yolande Tellier, (Ébolowa), Councillor.

In December 2019, Sister Marie-Marcelle Desmarais facilitated a session with the Canadian sisters: Yvette Dubois, Cécile Buote, Gisèle Provost, Solange Monfet, Gertrude Babineau and the Cameroonian professed sisters, novices and candidates.

Names of our Cameroonian CND Sisters