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The House for Women in Méri, in the Far North of Cameroon

In 1992, Sister Gertrude Babineau was responsible for the training of women in the Douvangar Parish. In the Méri sector, there was a need for a meeting place for women and girls. The Canadian Ambassador to Cameroon, Mr. Després, an Acadian from New Brunswick, Sister Gertrude’s compatriot, offered to finance a project for the advancement of women and provided funds for the construction of a house with a room, a kitchen, a storeroom and a straw-roofed kiosk to cope with the harsh climate.

There, Sister Gertrude brought women together to reflect on topics related to personal development and family life and accompanied them during literacy classes. It was there that she prepared with the women the celebration of International Women’s Day every March 8. She also accompanied them and the women of Douvangar to diocesan meetings.

Still today, the women use these rooms to make soaps, creams, fruit juices, jams, soya milk, doughnuts, and more. The choir activities and assorted meetings that continue to be held there enable the women to come together and share.

The kitchen is used by the Christian community of Méri during celebrations, such as the one on August 15. The kiosk is also available for young people to study, for meetings held by ACE Cop’monde (Action catholique des enfants copains du monde) or other similar activities.

Women try to help people in need, such as grandmothers who need water or other things.

On a regular basis, Catholic women from the four sectors of the parish – Douvangar, Mbaldak, Mboko and Méri, gather there for times of prayer.


Solange Monfet, CND and TOUNSSI Joseph, Associate, JOURNEYING FOR 50 YEARS. The Sisters and Associates of the Congrégation de Notre-Dame in Cameroon, Congrégation de Notre-Dame, 2021.